jquery Programming Glossary: newvalue
Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029241/javascript-object-watch-for-all-browsers options watcher.watch status function prop oldValue newValue document.write old oldValue new newValue br return newValue.. prop oldValue newValue document.write old oldValue new newValue br return newValue watcher.status 'asdf' watcher.status '1234'.. document.write old oldValue new newValue br return newValue watcher.status 'asdf' watcher.status '1234' document.write watcher.status..
jQuery Change event on an <input> element - any way to retain previous value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1159046/jquery-change-event-on-an-input-element-any-way-to-retain-previous-value el.change function store new value var this this var newValue this.data 'newVal' this.val .focus function Get the value..
jQuery focus() sometimes not working in IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326993/jquery-focus-sometimes-not-working-in-ie8 true function handleChange var parentDiv '#container' newValue html .html parentDiv.html newValue .sel1 parentDiv .bind 'change'.. parentDiv '#container' newValue html .html parentDiv.html newValue .sel1 parentDiv .bind 'change' handleChange alert 'Uncomment..
JQuery removing '-' character from string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2950357/jquery-removing-character-from-string one inside the other. Would be the equivalent of doing var newValue mylabel.text .replace ' ' '' mylabel.text newValue EDIT I hope.. var newValue mylabel.text .replace ' ' '' mylabel.text newValue EDIT I hope I understood the question correctly. I'm assuming..
how to move a div with arrow keys http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4950575/how-to-move-a-div-with-arrow-keys function calculateNewValue oldValue keyCode1 keyCode2 var newValue parseInt oldValue 10 keysPressed keyCode1 distancePerIteration.. 0 keysPressed keyCode2 distancePerIteration 0 return newValue 0 0 newValue maxValue maxValue newValue window .keydown function.. keyCode2 distancePerIteration 0 return newValue 0 0 newValue maxValue maxValue newValue window .keydown function event keysPressed..
Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7537002/autocomplete-combobox-with-knockout-js-template-jquery in model return result return mapped write function newValue source newValue update the source observableArray so our mapped.. result return mapped write function newValue source newValue update the source observableArray so our mapped value above.. that autocomplete knows it mappedSource.subscribe function newValue element .autocomplete option source newValue options.source..
How to update value of data in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9145163/how-to-update-value-of-data-in-jqgrid part of grid myGrid.jqGrid 'setCell' rowid 'myColumn' newValue now change the internal local data var dataArray myGrid.jqGrid.. 'getGridParam' '_index' dataArray indexes rowid .myColumn newValue UPDATED You can use documented getLocalRow method to change.. part of grid myGrid.jqGrid 'setCell' rowid 'myColumn' newValue now change the internal local data myGrid.jqGrid 'getLocalRow'..
Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029241/javascript-object-watch-for-all-browsers something var options 'status' 'no status' watcher createWatcher options watcher.watch status function prop oldValue newValue document.write old oldValue new newValue br return newValue watcher.status 'asdf' watcher.status '1234' document.write watcher.status.. watcher createWatcher options watcher.watch status function prop oldValue newValue document.write old oldValue new newValue br return newValue watcher.status 'asdf' watcher.status '1234' document.write watcher.status br javascript jquery javascript.. options watcher.watch status function prop oldValue newValue document.write old oldValue new newValue br return newValue watcher.status 'asdf' watcher.status '1234' document.write watcher.status br javascript jquery javascript events share..
jQuery Change event on an <input> element - any way to retain previous value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1159046/jquery-change-event-on-an-input-element-any-way-to-retain-previous-value initial value var el '#myInputElement' el.data 'oldVal' el.val el.change function store new value var this this var newValue this.data 'newVal' this.val .focus function Get the value when input gains focus var oldValue this .data 'oldVal' script..
jQuery focus() sometimes not working in IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326993/jquery-focus-sometimes-not-working-in-ie8 script type text javascript function performChanged formChanged true function handleChange var parentDiv '#container' newValue html .html parentDiv.html newValue .sel1 parentDiv .bind 'change' handleChange alert 'Uncomment this and after alert focus.. performChanged formChanged true function handleChange var parentDiv '#container' newValue html .html parentDiv.html newValue .sel1 parentDiv .bind 'change' handleChange alert 'Uncomment this and after alert focus will be on input' input.cv_values..
JQuery removing '-' character from string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2950357/jquery-removing-character-from-string the value and text someValue sets the value you just place one inside the other. Would be the equivalent of doing var newValue mylabel.text .replace ' ' '' mylabel.text newValue EDIT I hope I understood the question correctly. I'm assuming mylabel.. place one inside the other. Would be the equivalent of doing var newValue mylabel.text .replace ' ' '' mylabel.text newValue EDIT I hope I understood the question correctly. I'm assuming mylabel is referencing a DOM element in a jQuery object and..
how to move a div with arrow keys http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4950575/how-to-move-a-div-with-arrow-keys pane.width box.width keysPressed distancePerIteration 3 function calculateNewValue oldValue keyCode1 keyCode2 var newValue parseInt oldValue 10 keysPressed keyCode1 distancePerIteration 0 keysPressed keyCode2 distancePerIteration 0 return newValue.. parseInt oldValue 10 keysPressed keyCode1 distancePerIteration 0 keysPressed keyCode2 distancePerIteration 0 return newValue 0 0 newValue maxValue maxValue newValue window .keydown function event keysPressed event.which true window .keyup function.. 10 keysPressed keyCode1 distancePerIteration 0 keysPressed keyCode2 distancePerIteration 0 return newValue 0 0 newValue maxValue maxValue newValue window .keydown function event keysPressed event.which true window .keyup function event keysPressed..
Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7537002/autocomplete-combobox-with-knockout-js-template-jquery result.actualValue valueProp unwrap item valueProp item store in model return result return mapped write function newValue source newValue update the source observableArray so our mapped value above is correct if currentResponse currentResponse.. valueProp unwrap item valueProp item store in model return result return mapped write function newValue source newValue update the source observableArray so our mapped value above is correct if currentResponse currentResponse mappedSource.. the items that make up the source are updated make sure that autocomplete knows it mappedSource.subscribe function newValue element .autocomplete option source newValue options.source mappedSource ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback..
How to update value of data in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9145163/how-to-update-value-of-data-in-jqgrid you should do the following first change the cell in the visible part of grid myGrid.jqGrid 'setCell' rowid 'myColumn' newValue now change the internal local data var dataArray myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'data' indexes myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam'.. myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'data' indexes myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' '_index' dataArray indexes rowid .myColumn newValue UPDATED You can use documented getLocalRow method to change the local data first change the cell in the visible part of..