jquery Programming Glossary: newdata
How to validate a form for following scenario? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18763092/how-to-validate-a-form-for-following-scenario PHP php querystring explode ' ' _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' newData array foreach querystring as keyPair kparr explode ' ' keyPair.. key trim kparr 0 value trim kparr 1 if key and value newData key value print_r newData your final array having valid key.. trim kparr 1 if key and value newData key value print_r newData your final array having valid key values HTML form action #..
Convert flat JSON file to hierarchical json data like flare.json [d3 example file] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19317115/convert-flat-json-file-to-hierarchical-json-data-like-flare-json-d3-example-fil dep Third Top name Second Child model value4 size 320 var newData name root children data.forEach function d if typeof newData.children.. name root children data.forEach function d if typeof newData.children d.dep 'undefined' newData.children d.dep .children.push.. function d if typeof newData.children d.dep 'undefined' newData.children d.dep .children.push d else newData.children d.dep..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components 0 no more this instead global variable chart var newData args.chartData var x new Date .getTime var y eval ' ' newData.. args.chartData var x new Date .getTime var y eval ' ' newData ' ' series.addPoint x y true true Next updateChartData is callback..
How to validate a form for following scenario? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18763092/how-to-validate-a-form-for-following-scenario html forms validation share improve this question Try like PHP php querystring explode ' ' _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' newData array foreach querystring as keyPair kparr explode ' ' keyPair key trim kparr 0 value trim kparr 1 if key and value newData.. array foreach querystring as keyPair kparr explode ' ' keyPair key trim kparr 0 value trim kparr 1 if key and value newData key value print_r newData your final array having valid key values HTML form action # method GET onsubmit return false.. as keyPair kparr explode ' ' keyPair key trim kparr 0 value trim kparr 1 if key and value newData key value print_r newData your final array having valid key values HTML form action # method GET onsubmit return false div input type text name key..
Convert flat JSON file to hierarchical json data like flare.json [d3 example file] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19317115/convert-flat-json-file-to-hierarchical-json-data-like-flare-json-d3-example-fil 320 dep Third Top name Second Child model value3 size 320 dep Third Top name Second Child model value4 size 320 var newData name root children data.forEach function d if typeof newData.children d.dep 'undefined' newData.children d.dep .children.push.. Third Top name Second Child model value4 size 320 var newData name root children data.forEach function d if typeof newData.children d.dep 'undefined' newData.children d.dep .children.push d else newData.children d.dep name d.dep children name.. value4 size 320 var newData name root children data.forEach function d if typeof newData.children d.dep 'undefined' newData.children d.dep .children.push d else newData.children d.dep name d.dep children name d.name children name d.model size d.size..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components function updateChartData xhr status args var series chart.series 0 no more this instead global variable chart var newData args.chartData var x new Date .getTime var y eval ' ' newData ' ' series.addPoint x y true true Next updateChartData is.. 0 no more this instead global variable chart var newData args.chartData var x new Date .getTime var y eval ' ' newData ' ' series.addPoint x y true true Next updateChartData is callback function so don't call it yourself it is called by the..