jquery Programming Glossary: newrowdata
jqgrid addrowdata problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5740742/jqgrid-addrowdata-problem sortable false title false align 'center' label ' ' The code I use to insert the row is var rowid jQuery.Guid.New var newRowData recid rowid JobTask.Id @ Model.id InvolvedParty.Id InvolvedParty.Lastname deletefield #grid_id .addRowData rowid newRowData.. recid rowid JobTask.Id @ Model.id InvolvedParty.Id InvolvedParty.Lastname deletefield #grid_id .addRowData rowid newRowData then I enter some data and save the row with jQuery '#grid_id' .saveRow rowid everything works fine. Now when I press the.. delete save . Any ideas why is this happening jquery jqgrid share improve this question try instead of that var newRowData recid rowid JobTask.Id @ Model.id InvolvedParty.Id InvolvedParty.Lastname deletefield doing var newRowData recid rowid JobTask.Id..