jquery Programming Glossary: newheight
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale ui.originalSize.height find change in height var newHeight ui.originalSize.height changeHeight zoomScale adjust new height.. by our zoomScale ui.size.width newWidth ui.size.height newHeight transform scale fix for draggable this .draggable handle '.drag..
Pinch to zoom with CSS3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10802176/pinch-to-zoom-with-css3 from Stephen Woods' talk . newWidth image.width scale newHeight image.height scale newX x newWidth image.width newWidth newY.. scale newX x newWidth image.width newWidth newY y newHeight image.height newHeight Finally we scale and translate image.css.. image.width newWidth newY y newHeight image.height newHeight Finally we scale and translate image.css ' webkit transform'..
JQuery-mobile : Load JQPlot graph through AJAX request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761878/jquery-mobile-load-jqplot-graph-through-ajax-request .load g_baseUrl index graph format html chartHeight newHeight 'px' function response status xhr console.log 'loaded' My..
Insert object (jquery) delay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15881061/insert-object-jquery-delay size determines it var newWidth myImg .css width var newHeight myImg .css height ...and set them firmly. myImg .css width newWidth.. them firmly. myImg .css width newWidth myImg .css height newHeight restore the height width 100 property to image in case of new..
jQuery resize to aspect ratio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1682495/jquery-resize-to-aspect-ratio You could calculate this manually i.e. function GetWidth newHeight orginalWidth originalHeight if currentHeight 0 return newHeight.. orginalWidth originalHeight if currentHeight 0 return newHeight var aspectRatio currentWidth currentHeight return newHeight.. var aspectRatio currentWidth currentHeight return newHeight aspectRatio Make sure you use the ORIGINAL values for the image..
Image resize to fit screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2569192/image-resize-to-fit-screen Math.round winH borderVt if origSizeW origSizeH var newHeight Math.round screenSizeW ratioHz if newHeight screenSizeH #photo.. origSizeH var newHeight Math.round screenSizeW ratioHz if newHeight screenSizeH #photo .css width screenSizeW Set new width #photo.. .css width screenSizeW Set new width #photo .css height newHeight else #photo .css height screenSizeH else #photo .css height..
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale adjust new width by our zoomScale var changeHeight ui.size.height ui.originalSize.height find change in height var newHeight ui.originalSize.height changeHeight zoomScale adjust new height by our zoomScale ui.size.width newWidth ui.size.height newHeight.. ui.originalSize.height changeHeight zoomScale adjust new height by our zoomScale ui.size.width newWidth ui.size.height newHeight transform scale fix for draggable this .draggable handle '.drag handle' start function event ui ui.position.left 0 ui.position.top..
Pinch to zoom with CSS3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10802176/pinch-to-zoom-with-css3 the distances to translate by. The translation equation is taken from Stephen Woods' talk . newWidth image.width scale newHeight image.height scale newX x newWidth image.width newWidth newY y newHeight image.height newHeight Finally we scale and translate.. Woods' talk . newWidth image.width scale newHeight image.height scale newX x newWidth image.width newWidth newY y newHeight image.height newHeight Finally we scale and translate image.css ' webkit transform' scale3d # scale # scale 1 wrap.css '.. image.width scale newHeight image.height scale newX x newWidth image.width newWidth newY y newHeight image.height newHeight Finally we scale and translate image.css ' webkit transform' scale3d # scale # scale 1 wrap.css ' webkit transform' translate3d..
JQuery-mobile : Load JQPlot graph through AJAX request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761878/jquery-mobile-load-jqplot-graph-through-ajax-request there are JS code to create the JQplot graphic '#graph container' .load g_baseUrl index graph format html chartHeight newHeight 'px' function response status xhr console.log 'loaded' My solution above is painful an I am sure that I could load my..
Insert object (jquery) delay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15881061/insert-object-jquery-delay height 'auto' get calculated dimensions of div once img original size determines it var newWidth myImg .css width var newHeight myImg .css height ...and set them firmly. myImg .css width newWidth myImg .css height newHeight restore the height width.. myImg .css width var newHeight myImg .css height ...and set them firmly. myImg .css width newWidth myImg .css height newHeight restore the height width 100 property to image in case of new resize imgInside .css width '100 ' imgInside .css height '100..
jQuery resize to aspect ratio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1682495/jquery-resize-to-aspect-ratio javascript jquery image scale share improve this question You could calculate this manually i.e. function GetWidth newHeight orginalWidth originalHeight if currentHeight 0 return newHeight var aspectRatio currentWidth currentHeight return newHeight.. could calculate this manually i.e. function GetWidth newHeight orginalWidth originalHeight if currentHeight 0 return newHeight var aspectRatio currentWidth currentHeight return newHeight aspectRatio Make sure you use the ORIGINAL values for the image.. orginalWidth originalHeight if currentHeight 0 return newHeight var aspectRatio currentWidth currentHeight return newHeight aspectRatio Make sure you use the ORIGINAL values for the image otherwise it will degrade over time. EDIT example jQuery..
Image resize to fit screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2569192/image-resize-to-fit-screen .height var screenSizeW Math.round winW borderHz var screenSizeH Math.round winH borderVt if origSizeW origSizeH var newHeight Math.round screenSizeW ratioHz if newHeight screenSizeH #photo .css width screenSizeW Set new width #photo .css height newHeight.. var screenSizeH Math.round winH borderVt if origSizeW origSizeH var newHeight Math.round screenSizeW ratioHz if newHeight screenSizeH #photo .css width screenSizeW Set new width #photo .css height newHeight else #photo .css height screenSizeH.. Math.round screenSizeW ratioHz if newHeight screenSizeH #photo .css width screenSizeW Set new width #photo .css height newHeight else #photo .css height screenSizeH else #photo .css height screenSizeH Set new height javascript jquery image resize..