jquery Programming Glossary: newurl
wait for a jquery ajax callback from calling function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11576176/wait-for-a-jquery-ajax-callback-from-calling-function ' else '.rtnMsg' .html Opps Ajax Error function doAnAjax newUrl data .ajax url newUrl async true dataType 'html' beforeSend.. Opps Ajax Error function doAnAjax newUrl data .ajax url newUrl async true dataType 'html' beforeSend function '.rtnMsg' .html.. callback as third parameter to doAnAjax function doAnAjax newUrl data callBack .ajax url newUrl async true dataType 'html' beforeSend..
Window.open blocked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11669048/window-open-blocked question you linked to it would be something like this var newUrl 'http example.com' var newWindow window.open '' '_blank' .ajax.. data form_data success function data newWindow.location newUrl Of course you'd have to modify the .ajax call url and data..
Getting Target URL from jQuery-UI Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1359343/getting-target-url-from-jquery-ui-tabs selectedIndex var selectedTab tabs option selected var newUrl urls selectedTab id id tabs url selectedTab newUrl tabs load.. var newUrl urls selectedTab id id tabs url selectedTab newUrl tabs load selectedTab My problem is that hash map. I don't need..
jquery datepicker not sending data on using .serialize() for populating the grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3680172/jquery-datepicker-not-sending-data-on-using-serialize-for-populating-the-grid . My approach form#transactionForm .submit function var newUrl cpsb transactionHistory.do method getTransactionHistoryDetails.. .serialize #transactionHistory .jqGrid setGridParam url newUrl datatype json .trigger reloadGrid return false mark up form..
How to change browser address bar without reloading page - HTML/Javascript [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5607902/how-to-change-browser-address-bar-without-reloading-page-html-javascript śnewUrl This is new in HTML 5. Your url will change to newUrl without reloading the page. Note title arg in the method will..
wait for a jquery ajax callback from calling function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11576176/wait-for-a-jquery-ajax-callback-from-calling-function resetForm '#myForm' resetForm 'form name addChlGrp ' else '.rtnMsg' .html Opps Ajax Error function doAnAjax newUrl data .ajax url newUrl async true dataType 'html' beforeSend function '.rtnMsg' .html img src _cssStyleImg_ A loading.gif.. resetForm 'form name addChlGrp ' else '.rtnMsg' .html Opps Ajax Error function doAnAjax newUrl data .ajax url newUrl async true dataType 'html' beforeSend function '.rtnMsg' .html img src _cssStyleImg_ A loading.gif type GET data data.. addChlGrp ' else '.rtnMsg' .html Opps Ajax Error pass callback as third parameter to doAnAjax function doAnAjax newUrl data callBack .ajax url newUrl async true dataType 'html' beforeSend function '.rtnMsg' .html img src _cssStyleImg_ A loading.gif..
Window.open blocked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11669048/window-open-blocked this question Well keeping in mind the context of the question you linked to it would be something like this var newUrl 'http example.com' var newWindow window.open '' '_blank' .ajax type POST url form_url dataType 'json' data form_data success.. '' '_blank' .ajax type POST url form_url dataType 'json' data form_data success function data newWindow.location newUrl Of course you'd have to modify the .ajax call url and data specifically to match your requirements. share improve this..
Getting Target URL from jQuery-UI Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1359343/getting-target-url-from-jquery-ui-tabs .change function var tabs #tabs .tabs var id '#selectBox' .attr selectedIndex var selectedTab tabs option selected var newUrl urls selectedTab id id tabs url selectedTab newUrl tabs load selectedTab My problem is that hash map. I don't need it and.. .attr selectedIndex var selectedTab tabs option selected var newUrl urls selectedTab id id tabs url selectedTab newUrl tabs load selectedTab My problem is that hash map. I don't need it and it duplicates info that I've already coded into the..
jquery datepicker not sending data on using .serialize() for populating the grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3680172/jquery-datepicker-not-sending-data-on-using-serialize-for-populating-the-grid not appending date parameters with the url using .serialize . My approach form#transactionForm .submit function var newUrl cpsb transactionHistory.do method getTransactionHistoryDetails this .serialize #transactionHistory .jqGrid setGridParam.. method getTransactionHistoryDetails this .serialize #transactionHistory .jqGrid setGridParam url newUrl datatype json .trigger reloadGrid return false mark up form class transform id transactionForm method post action fieldset..
How to change browser address bar without reloading page - HTML/Javascript [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5607902/how-to-change-browser-address-bar-without-reloading-page-html-javascript this question By using window.history.pushState śstring śTitle śnewUrl This is new in HTML 5. Your url will change to newUrl without reloading the page. Note title arg in the method will not change the Title of the html page. This is used to name..