jquery Programming Glossary: highlights
jqGrid has issues loading subgrid in IE7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10301893/jqgrid-has-issues-loading-subgrid-in-ie7 the mouse over Apple then the first undefined row also highlights. The main reason I chose jqGrid over the other grids was its..
Put a tags round user highlighted text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10738635/put-a-tags-round-user-highlighted-text text for example. Hello to you goodbye to you. If the user highlights the second 'you' for the link they want surely a string replace..
Moving data using Select-All Checkboxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12385949/moving-data-using-select-all-checkboxes on the top left checkboxes but clicking on one select all highlights all checkboxes in BOTH tables whereas I only want all boxes..
What happens when no response is received for a request? I'm seeing retries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14302512/what-happens-when-no-response-is-received-for-a-request-im-seeing-retries idempotent. See What is an idempotent operation Also this highlights the differences between GET and POST operations http www.cs.tut.fi..
How to prevent click events on the document body (maybe a bug in Cordova?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17477566/how-to-prevent-click-events-on-the-document-body-maybe-a-bug-in-cordova v4.5.4.min.js script again the body is clickable producing highlights and click sound. I'm still speaking about the compiled app with..
TinyMCE - How to add a button that wraps selected text with a tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1878418/tinymce-how-to-add-a-button-that-wraps-selected-text-with-a-tag like to add a custom button that works as follows User highlights text in the text editior User clicks the custom button X The..
Why is IE8 on XP not properly reading from XML using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2815673/why-is-ie8-on-xp-not-properly-reading-from-xml-using-jquery chrome This looks to be very much the same problem. Some highlights If you get messages.xml as the wrong mime type Internet Explorer..
jquery Setting cursor position in contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2871081/jquery-setting-cursor-position-in-contenteditable-div div without highlighting the text doing straight up focus highlights the text in Chrome. I realize that people solved this problems..
Tooltip triggered by text selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4362297/tooltip-triggered-by-text-selection a JQuery plugin. My ultimate goal is when a user selects highlights a sentence phrase paragraph it will trigger a tooltip. The tooltip..
Enabling Highlight On Click for jQuery Map Highlighting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4729734/enabling-highlight-on-click-for-jquery-map-highlighting the area highlight on click but not disable any existing highlights. I'd also like to have the diagram switch the content on hover..
Check if input empty on submit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5886555/check-if-input-empty-on-submit of '' then it sets the submit function to return false and highlights the blank fields. It also removes the highlight class from fields..
onbeforeunload Message Appears Twice (Internet Explorer) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6917074/onbeforeunload-message-appears-twice-internet-explorer they select Stay on this page the second time the debugger highlights the link above with the message Microsoft JScript runtime error..
Using JQuery hover with HTML image map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/745110/using-jquery-hover-with-html-image-map a lot of small regions that need rollover illustration highlights along with additional text display and associated links for..
jQuery UI Datepicker - Date range - Highlight days in between http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7831512/jquery-ui-datepicker-date-range-highlight-days-in-between mayko WbWg3 1 Only problem the live event just highlights the td's of the current hovered row but not the td's of the..
How to use Twitter Bootstrap popovers for jQuery validation notifications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8439490/how-to-use-twitter-bootstrap-popovers-for-jquery-validation-notifications options these will let you hook in your own custom error highlights that trigger Bootstrap popovers. share improve this answer..
Running javascript after page is fully rendered http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8611713/running-javascript-after-page-is-fully-rendered finished. The javascript will run in the background as it highlights the code one by one while not interfering the reponsiveness..
jquery datatables default sort http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8639191/jquery-datatables-default-sort by index 0. I am using the aaSorting 1 asc syntax but it highlights the column which I don't want on initial load. How can I set..
jqGrid has issues loading subgrid in IE7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10301893/jqgrid-has-issues-loading-subgrid-in-ie7 rows are actually part of the valid grid rows if I hover the mouse over Apple then the first undefined row also highlights. The main reason I chose jqGrid over the other grids was its support for nesting multiple grids which we really need for..
Put a tags round user highlighted text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10738635/put-a-tags-round-user-highlighted-text happens if that user selected text appears twice in the text for example. Hello to you goodbye to you. If the user highlights the second 'you' for the link they want surely a string replace would put a tags around every instance of 'you'. Whats the..
Moving data using Select-All Checkboxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12385949/moving-data-using-select-all-checkboxes Currently I have two tables I have select all functions on the top left checkboxes but clicking on one select all highlights all checkboxes in BOTH tables whereas I only want all boxes to be selected in the specific 'check all' clicked. Also when..
What happens when no response is received for a request? I'm seeing retries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14302512/what-happens-when-no-response-is-received-for-a-request-im-seeing-retries to a database then you need to design the request as idempotent. See What is an idempotent operation Also this highlights the differences between GET and POST operations http www.cs.tut.fi ~jkorpela forms methods.html As a general design practice..
How to prevent click events on the document body (maybe a bug in Cordova?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17477566/how-to-prevent-click-events-on-the-document-body-maybe-a-bug-in-cordova src http d3lp1msu2r81bx.cloudfront.net kjs js lib kinetic v4.5.4.min.js script again the body is clickable producing highlights and click sound. I'm still speaking about the compiled app with phonegap build . I tried replacing body with body onmousedown..
TinyMCE - How to add a button that wraps selected text with a tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1878418/tinymce-how-to-add-a-button-that-wraps-selected-text-with-a-tag selected text with a tag I'm currently using TinyMCE and would like to add a custom button that works as follows User highlights text in the text editior User clicks the custom button X The text dog walking is wrapped with a tag dog walking Any ideas..
Why is IE8 on XP not properly reading from XML using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2815673/why-is-ie8-on-xp-not-properly-reading-from-xml-using-jquery jquery find doesnt return data in ie but does in firefox and chrome This looks to be very much the same problem. Some highlights If you get messages.xml as the wrong mime type Internet Explorer won't parse it as XML. You need to change the server to..
jquery Setting cursor position in contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2871081/jquery-setting-cursor-position-in-contenteditable-div The problem as before is I need to focus a contenteditable div without highlighting the text doing straight up focus highlights the text in Chrome. I realize that people solved this problems in textareas by resetting the caret position in the textarea...
Tooltip triggered by text selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4362297/tooltip-triggered-by-text-selection text left click dragging over text . Preferably by creating a JQuery plugin. My ultimate goal is when a user selects highlights a sentence phrase paragraph it will trigger a tooltip. The tooltip will contain social sharing buttons that will allow a..
Enabling Highlight On Click for jQuery Map Highlighting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4729734/enabling-highlight-on-click-for-jquery-map-highlighting and disable any other highlighted areas. Right now I can make the area highlight on click but not disable any existing highlights. I'd also like to have the diagram switch the content on hover but that isn't as important right now as the highlight on..
Check if input empty on submit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5886555/check-if-input-empty-on-submit according to your selector . If it finds one with a value of '' then it sets the submit function to return false and highlights the blank fields. It also removes the highlight class from fields that are now valid but were previously invalid in an early..
onbeforeunload Message Appears Twice (Internet Explorer) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6917074/onbeforeunload-message-appears-twice-internet-explorer on this page the message box appears twice. And then if they select Stay on this page the second time the debugger highlights the link above with the message Microsoft JScript runtime error Unspecified error. This problem appears to be specific to..
Using JQuery hover with HTML image map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/745110/using-jquery-hover-with-html-image-map with HTML image map I have a complicated background image with a lot of small regions that need rollover illustration highlights along with additional text display and associated links for each one. The final illustration stacks several static images..
jQuery UI Datepicker - Date range - Highlight days in between http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7831512/jquery-ui-datepicker-date-range-highlight-days-in-between 'minDate' selectedDate .datepicker 'refresh' http jsfiddle.net mayko WbWg3 1 Only problem the live event just highlights the td's of the current hovered row but not the td's of the rows before. Any ideas jquery jquery ui datepicker highlighting..
How to use Twitter Bootstrap popovers for jQuery validation notifications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8439490/how-to-use-twitter-bootstrap-popovers-for-jquery-validation-notifications
Running javascript after page is fully rendered http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8611713/running-javascript-after-page-is-fully-rendered navigate through the page even if the script is not yet finished. The javascript will run in the background as it highlights the code one by one while not interfering the reponsiveness of the page. Thanks in advance. EDIT To make this clearer I..
jquery datatables default sort http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8639191/jquery-datatables-default-sort the second column in my jquery datatable. It by default sorts by index 0. I am using the aaSorting 1 asc syntax but it highlights the column which I don't want on initial load. How can I set the default sort of a specific column without it highlighting..