jquery Programming Glossary: history.pushstate
pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632483/pushstate-and-popstate-manipulating-browsers-history fast firstLink.addClass active menuLink.click function e history.pushState null null this.href e.preventDefault e.stopImmediatePropagation..
When the back button triggers popState how can I prevent a page refresh? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121666/when-the-back-button-triggers-popstate-how-can-i-prevent-a-page-refresh from your popstate handler. var foo foo true state object history.pushState foo unused argument #newInitialUri ... var bar bar true history.pushState.. foo unused argument #newInitialUri ... var bar bar true history.pushState bar unused argument #newStateOfWebApp ... window.onpopstate.. ... window.onpopstate function event ... var baz baz true history.pushState baz unused argument #baseState In the above example say we loaded..
history.pushState http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5210034/history-pushstate Hello I'm working on a site that serves content via ajax Im.. updated with .get response nothing fancy I'm implementing history.pushState to allow navigation with the browser's back forward button I..
Update whole page on Ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5941933/update-whole-page-on-ajax-request callback function callback response if case2 response history.pushState New page url document.innerHTML response else updateDiv response..
javascript not working in the new part when loading a new part using jquery and HTML 5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6173570/javascript-not-working-in-the-new-part-when-loading-a-new-part-using-jquery-and .find '#left' #left .html data if supports_history_api history.pushState null null loadNextBackInPage_URL if popEventListnerAdded window.addEventListener..
Moving back to a pushState entry that used ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6309477/moving-back-to-a-pushstate-entry-that-used-ajax situation. User visits site User clicks link which uses history.pushState to update the url Partial page content loaded via ajax using.. Here's a sample of the code 'a' .live 'click' function history.pushState '' this.href popstate this.href return false popstate function..
detect back button click in browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6359327/detect-back-button-click-in-browser Here's my solution window.onload function if typeof history.pushState function history.pushState jibberish null null window.onpopstate.. function if typeof history.pushState function history.pushState jibberish null null window.onpopstate function history.pushState.. jibberish null null window.onpopstate function history.pushState 'newjibberish' null null Handle the back or forward buttons..
How does GitHub change the URL without reloading a page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7591087/how-does-github-change-the-url-without-reloading-a-page this question They use the history API or specifically history.pushState . You can use this jQuery is not required but there are plugins..
How to change URL in browser without navigating away from page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8560617/how-to-change-url-in-browser-without-navigating-away-from-page html5 share improve this question You can do it with history.pushState but only in browsers that support it. Just try the following.. the following line in your browsers JavaScript Console. history.pushState URL Rewrite Example http stackoverflow.com example More on that..
HTML5/jQuery: pushState and popState - deep linking? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8776614/html5-jquery-pushstate-and-popstate-deep-linking fine with the code below. var currentHash url if history history.pushState window .scroll function hash '.layer in viewport' .attr 'id'.. catHash hash else url hash if currentHash hash window.history.pushState data hash url currentHash hash Now I have two questions 1... find out how Thank you for your help Update window.history.pushState test hash url p window .bind 'popstate' function event console.log..
pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632483/pushstate-and-popstate-manipulating-browsers-history var newLoadedHtml this .attr href History.pushState null newLoadedHtml newLoadedHtml #sectionContainer .hide .load..
Is this a proper way to use History.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13278822/is-this-a-proper-way-to-use-history-js e var urlPath this .attr 'href' var Title this .text History.pushState null Title urlPath prevents default click action of a ... return.. set initial state to first page that was loaded History.pushState urlPath window.location.pathname title .text State.urlPath else.. e var urlPath this .attr 'href' var title this .text History.pushState urlPath urlPath title urlPath return false prevents default..
jQuery & history.js example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13553037/jquery-history-js-example Event 'a' .click function evt evt.preventDefault History.pushState null this .text this .attr 'href' script share improve this..
Back-Forward buttons of browser are showing weird behaviour. History.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15954005/back-forward-buttons-of-browser-are-showing-weird-behaviour-history-js return false var path 'http localhost enc p ' str History.pushState myid str str2 path History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange'.. return false var path 'http localhost enc p ' str History.pushState myid str str2 path update_div1 State.data.myid update_div2 State.data.myid..
Digest Authentication w/ Jquery, is it possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5288150/digest-authentication-w-jquery-is-it-possible
pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632483/pushstate-and-popstate-manipulating-browsers-history #sectionContainer .hide .load firstLoadedHtml .fadeIn fast firstLink.addClass active menuLink.click function e history.pushState null null this.href e.preventDefault e.stopImmediatePropagation var CurLink this var newLoadedHtml CurLink.attr href #content..
When the back button triggers popState how can I prevent a page refresh? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121666/when-the-back-button-triggers-popstate-how-can-i-prevent-a-page-refresh onto the stack and then make sure to push another state from your popstate handler. var foo foo true state object history.pushState foo unused argument #newInitialUri ... var bar bar true history.pushState bar unused argument #newStateOfWebApp ... window.onpopstate.. handler. var foo foo true state object history.pushState foo unused argument #newInitialUri ... var bar bar true history.pushState bar unused argument #newStateOfWebApp ... window.onpopstate function event ... var baz baz true history.pushState baz unused.. true history.pushState bar unused argument #newStateOfWebApp ... window.onpopstate function event ... var baz baz true history.pushState baz unused argument #baseState In the above example say we loaded ' '. The script starts executing and the browser window..
history.pushState http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5210034/history-pushstate Hello I'm working on a site that serves content via ajax Im using ruby on rails btw if you click an item in the menu a.. btw if you click an item in the menu a content div gets updated with .get response nothing fancy I'm implementing history.pushState to allow navigation with the browser's back forward button I have the following to load content on history navigation function..
Update whole page on Ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5941933/update-whole-page-on-ajax-request to handle both of these cases url http example.com ajax.request callback function callback response if case2 response history.pushState New page url document.innerHTML response else updateDiv response I'm interested in a correct way to implement the first..
javascript not working in the new part when loading a new part using jquery and HTML 5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6173570/javascript-not-working-in-the-new-part-when-loading-a-new-part-using-jquery-and data alert data #left .fadeTo 100 1 var data data .find '#left' #left .html data if supports_history_api history.pushState null null loadNextBackInPage_URL if popEventListnerAdded window.addEventListener popstate function e loadNextBackInPage..
Moving back to a pushState entry that used ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6309477/moving-back-to-a-pushstate-entry-that-used-ajax entry that used ajax I'm having an issue with the following situation. User visits site User clicks link which uses history.pushState to update the url Partial page content loaded via ajax using jQuery User clicks regular link which loads a new page User.. web app but this issue is preventing me from using this. Here's a sample of the code 'a' .live 'click' function history.pushState '' this.href popstate this.href return false popstate function url '#content' .load url window.onpopstate function event..
detect back button click in browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6359327/detect-back-button-click-in-browser developers in different facets have long run into this problem. Here's my solution window.onload function if typeof history.pushState function history.pushState jibberish null null window.onpopstate function history.pushState 'newjibberish' null null Handle.. facets have long run into this problem. Here's my solution window.onload function if typeof history.pushState function history.pushState jibberish null null window.onpopstate function history.pushState 'newjibberish' null null Handle the back or forward buttons.. function if typeof history.pushState function history.pushState jibberish null null window.onpopstate function history.pushState 'newjibberish' null null Handle the back or forward buttons here Will NOT handle refresh use onbeforeunload for this...
How does GitHub change the URL without reloading a page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7591087/how-does-github-change-the-url-without-reloading-a-page I'm using Chrome jquery html ajax github share improve this question They use the history API or specifically history.pushState . You can use this jQuery is not required but there are plugins such as history.js . This works on most browsers namely..
How to change URL in browser without navigating away from page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8560617/how-to-change-url-in-browser-without-navigating-away-from-page technically remains on the same page. javascript jquery ajax html5 share improve this question You can do it with history.pushState but only in browsers that support it. Just try the following line in your browsers JavaScript Console. history.pushState.. but only in browsers that support it. Just try the following line in your browsers JavaScript Console. history.pushState URL Rewrite Example http stackoverflow.com example More on that in The pushState method Mozilla Developer Similar question..
HTML5/jQuery: pushState and popState - deep linking? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8776614/html5-jquery-pushstate-and-popstate-deep-linking and its ID should also be the link in the url. That works fine with the code below. var currentHash url if history history.pushState window .scroll function hash '.layer in viewport' .attr 'id' catHash # hash .parent 'section' .attr 'id' var data nothing.. .attr 'id' var data nothing if catHash undefined url catHash hash else url hash if currentHash hash window.history.pushState data hash url currentHash hash Now I have two questions 1. Right now the url in the addressbar changes successfully when.. page. I guess this is probably working with popstate but I couldn't find out how Thank you for your help Update window.history.pushState test hash url p window .bind 'popstate' function event console.log event.data This is alway null. Shouldn't this return..
pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632483/pushstate-and-popstate-manipulating-browsers-history active menuLink.click function e e.preventDefault e.stopImmediatePropagation var newLoadedHtml this .attr href History.pushState null newLoadedHtml newLoadedHtml #sectionContainer .hide .load newLoadedHtml function responseText document.title responseText..
Is this a proper way to use History.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13278822/is-this-a-proper-way-to-use-history-js 'Nothing' '#content' .empty 'body' .on 'click' 'a' function e var urlPath this .attr 'href' var Title this .text History.pushState null Title urlPath prevents default click action of a ... return false script I would like to know if this is the correct.. var History window.History if History.enabled State History.getState set initial state to first page that was loaded History.pushState urlPath window.location.pathname title .text State.urlPath else return false var loadAjaxContent function target urlBase.. navigation link handler 'body' .on 'click' 'a' function e var urlPath this .attr 'href' var title this .text History.pushState urlPath urlPath title urlPath return false prevents default click action of a ... script html share improve this answer..
jQuery & history.js example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13553037/jquery-history-js-example
Back-Forward buttons of browser are showing weird behaviour. History.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15954005/back-forward-buttons-of-browser-are-showing-weird-behaviour-history-js str str2 var History window.History if History.enabled return false var path 'http localhost enc p ' str History.pushState myid str str2 path History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function var State History.getState update_div1 State.data.myid.. str str2 var History window.History if History.enabled return false var path 'http localhost enc p ' str History.pushState myid str str2 path update_div1 State.data.myid update_div2 State.data.myid update_div3 State.data.myid javascript jquery..
Digest Authentication w/ Jquery, is it possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5288150/digest-authentication-w-jquery-is-it-possible