jquery Programming Glossary: highcharts
How to export the whole page or html content with Highcharts not just the chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10328457/how-to-export-the-whole-page-or-html-content-with-highcharts-not-just-the-chart not just the chart hi all my chart is exporting fine with highcharts i m getting the chart for my php project but the problem is.. text below the chart has well php javascript jquery image highcharts share improve this question There are so many direct and.. 10328457 how to export the whole page or html content with highcharts not just the chart 10330701#10330701 TimThumb PHP Image Resizer..
how to use json_encode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10377570/how-to-use-json-encode to use json_encode I'm dealing with highcharts with dynamic data values retrieved from database . By writing.. 2011 4 2012 20 Item eraser 2011 6 2012 43 php jquery json highcharts share improve this question json_encode is a convenience..
how to add items to an array dynamically in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632180/how-to-add-items-to-an-array-dynamically-in-javascript to load the data into the data array javascript jquery highcharts share improve this question The series property is an array..
blank page highchart in using jquery to call json arrary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11851122/blank-page-highchart-in-using-jquery-to-call-json-arrary libs jquery 1.7.2 jquery.min.js script script src . js highcharts.js script script type text javascript var chart null global.. will deeply appreciate it. Thanks in advance Emma jquery highcharts json encode share improve this question Do you really need.. object instead use chart.addSeries ... @ http www.highcharts.com stock ref #series Some more fiddling around and debugging..
convert mysql resultset into a (name, data) object to be fed into HighCharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520865/convert-mysql-resultset-into-a-name-data-object-to-be-fed-into-highcharts value checked through alert . php jquery mysql json highcharts share improve this question Not got a chance to run the..
Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4210879/reload-chart-data-via-json-with-highcharts Household 11.21 Misc 12.20 Snacks 20.27 jquery json highcharts share improve this question EDIT The response down below.. correct http stackoverflow.com a 8408466 387285 http www.highcharts.com ref #series object HTML SELECT id list OPTION VALUE A Data..
Create six chart with the same rendering,different data (highchart ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6361631/create-six-chart-with-the-same-rendering-different-data-highchart with ajax call jquery how can I do this please http www.highcharts.com documentation how to use#live charts var chart document.. style font 'normal 13px Verdana sans serif' jquery highcharts share improve this question If you want to have multiple..
Automatically zooming in on highcharts after loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7194249/automatically-zooming-in-on-highcharts-after-loading zooming in on highcharts after loading Does anyone know how to automatically zoom into.. code I'd have to change though. javascript jquery charts highcharts share improve this question You can use the setExtremes..
PHP JSON Highcharts load database result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7810098/php-json-highcharts-load-database-result MoveNext echo json_encode json php jquery database json highcharts share improve this question In your ajax call .getJSON 'ajax..
Highcharts data series issue with ajax/json and PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8058136/highcharts-data-series-issue-with-ajax-json-and-php all help ...especially quick replies php jquery ajax json highcharts share improve this question SOLVED I found an answer that..
Set Additional Data to highcharts series http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8514457/set-additional-data-to-highcharts-series Additional Data to highcharts series is there any way to pass some additional data to the.. this possible Thank you all in advance. javascript jquery highcharts share improve this question Yes if you set up the series..
highcharts scroll through axis http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8518686/highcharts-scroll-through-axis scroll through axis I am using a bar chart below. chart new.. Thanks in advance and appreciate your help. jquery highcharts share improve this question This is fiddle link showing.. This is fiddle link showing how to enable scroll bars in highcharts How to enable scroolbars in highcharts var chart new Highcharts.Chart..
Hiding _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery: how to get acceptable performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8875626/hiding-groups-of-series-in-highcharts-and-jquery-how-to-get-acceptable-perfor to the series in the chart. Thanks. javascript jquery highcharts share improve this question The issue here is that Highcharts..
How to export the whole page or html content with Highcharts not just the chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10328457/how-to-export-the-whole-page-or-html-content-with-highcharts-not-just-the-chart to export the whole page or html content with Highcharts not just the chart hi all my chart is exporting fine with highcharts..
convert mysql resultset into a (name, data) object to be fed into HighCharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520865/convert-mysql-resultset-into-a-name-data-object-to-be-fed-into-highcharts #14 in the javascript console Have a look at this question Highcharts returning error 14 P.S. Please don't mix multiple questions..
Resize height with Highcharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13768565/resize-height-with-highcharts height with Highcharts I have a Highchart which resizes the width beatuifully when.. this is the js Chart function function qchart chart new Highcharts.Chart chart renderTo 'chartContainer' type 'column' spacingBottom..
Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4210879/reload-chart-data-via-json-with-highcharts chart data via JSON with Highcharts I am trying to reload the data for a Highcharts chart via JSON.. JSON with Highcharts I am trying to reload the data for a Highcharts chart via JSON based on a button click elsewhere in the page... 0 .data.push data Create the chart var chart new Highcharts.Chart options Any help would be greatly appreciated EDIT Here..
PHP JSON Highcharts load database result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7810098/php-json-highcharts-load-database-result JSON Highcharts load database result I'm stuck I need to create highchart with.. series.data value options.series.push name var chart new Highcharts.Chart options highchart loads ok and fills the series with Series.. name it should be series not name var chart new Highcharts.Chart options So it would be as follows .getJSON 'ajax calc.ajax.php'..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components managed bean to a jQuery Javascript component such as Highcharts so that my web app produces displays data in a dynamic real.. quickly Effectively I am trying to implement a dynamic Highcharts chart using a simple count function from my backing bean. Obviously.. this data but at the moment I am just trying to get Highcharts to work based of changing information from my JSF backing bean...
Highcharts data series issue with ajax/json and PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8058136/highcharts-data-series-issue-with-ajax-json-and-php data series issue with ajax json and PHP This is my first request.. So any help is much appreciated I've got the following Highcharts object on Page1.php and I'm using AJAX to get data from Page2.php.. function return ' b ' this.series.name ' b br ' Highcharts.dateFormat ' b e' this.x ' ' this.y series .get 'Page2.php..
Hiding _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery: how to get acceptable performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8875626/hiding-groups-of-series-in-highcharts-and-jquery-how-to-get-acceptable-perfor _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery how to get acceptable performance I'm using Highcharts.. and jQuery how to get acceptable performance I'm using Highcharts to represent groups of time series. So data points collected.. that belong to the same group share the same color. The Highcharts legend displays each individual time series instead of groups..
Highcharts: Add a custom image button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9218490/highcharts-add-a-custom-image-button Add a custom image button I want to add and image button on.. 'click' function prcessing after image is clicked new Highcharts.Chart charts.params callback where charts.params is object which..
Highcharts - best way to handle and display zero (or negative) values in a line chart series with logarithmic Y axis http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10181588/highcharts-best-way-to-handle-and-display-zero-or-negative-values-in-a-line the series values are zeros or less which is a problem for HighCharts and it throws the following exception Highcharts Error #10 Can't..
Any suggestion on charting plugin for time stacked bar chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11475957/any-suggestion-on-charting-plugin-for-time-stacked-bar-chart about this kind of charting plugins. I am not sure whether HighCharts stacked bar chart can do that since I want a status switching..
HighCharts uncaught exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11486553/highcharts-uncaught-exception uncaught exception I am trying to run the same code in this..
convert mysql resultset into a (name, data) object to be fed into HighCharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520865/convert-mysql-resultset-into-a-name-data-object-to-be-fed-into-highcharts mysql resultset into a name data object to be fed into HighCharts I am using HighCharts Bar graph to plot data from mysql resultset.. a name data object to be fed into HighCharts I am using HighCharts Bar graph to plot data from mysql resultset into a bar graph... August 450.0000 September 1700.0000 The series property of HighCharts require data in below format to plot the graph name July data..
Jquery Timeline plugins http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5377521/jquery-timeline-plugins as a web service. Or you could just use something like HighCharts if that will work for your situation. share improve this answer..
Charts for stock analysis applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7426595/charts-for-stock-analysis-applications share improve this question I would really recommend HighCharts . They are free for open source project bur requires a license..
How to export the whole page or html content with Highcharts not just the chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10328457/how-to-export-the-whole-page-or-html-content-with-highcharts-not-just-the-chart to export the whole page or html content with Highcharts not just the chart hi all my chart is exporting fine with highcharts i m getting the chart for my php project but the problem is that i am looking to import html content or the whole page along.. sample fiddle http jsfiddle.net YBXdq i need to export the text below the chart has well php javascript jquery image highcharts share improve this question There are so many direct and indirect way to achieve this Use HTML Canvas http html2canvas.hertzen.com.. current page http wimg.ca http stackoverflow.com questions 10328457 how to export the whole page or html content with highcharts not just the chart 10330701#10330701 TimThumb PHP Image Resizer Example timthumb.php src http www.google.com webshot 1 I..
how to use json_encode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10377570/how-to-use-json-encode to use json_encode I'm dealing with highcharts with dynamic data values retrieved from database . By writing a query i was able to retrieve the following data from the.. json_encode rows and got Item pen 2011 5 2012 7 Item pencil 2011 4 2012 20 Item eraser 2011 6 2012 43 php jquery json highcharts share improve this question json_encode is a convenience method to convert an array into JSON format. To have the output..
how to add items to an array dynamically in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632180/how-to-add-items-to-an-array-dynamically-in-javascript of objects. What am doing wrong here and is there a better way to load the data into the data array javascript jquery highcharts share improve this question The series property is an array so you would need to write it like this to add a single..
blank page highchart in using jquery to call json arrary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11851122/blank-page-highchart-in-using-jquery-to-call-json-arrary 1999 xhtml head script src https ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.7.2 jquery.min.js script script src . js highcharts.js script script type text javascript var chart null global document .ready function chart new Highcharts.Chart chart renderTo.. help. I being working on this for days now but no success. I will deeply appreciate it. Thanks in advance Emma jquery highcharts json encode share improve this question Do you really need to make an Ajax call Can you not push the data during the.. Also you are not really supposed to push series to the chart.series object instead use chart.addSeries ... @ http www.highcharts.com stock ref #series Some more fiddling around and debugging brought me to this solution http jsfiddle.net jugal JfgxX..
convert mysql resultset into a (name, data) object to be fed into HighCharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520865/convert-mysql-resultset-into-a-name-data-object-to-be-fed-into-highcharts plotting the graph properly even though the variable has proper value checked through alert . php jquery mysql json highcharts share improve this question Not got a chance to run the code below but this should work or something very similar to..
Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4210879/reload-chart-data-via-json-with-highcharts Dining Work 38.41 Entertainment 4.14 Gas 79.65 Groceries 228.23 Household 11.21 Misc 12.20 Snacks 20.27 jquery json highcharts share improve this question EDIT The response down below is more correct http stackoverflow.com a 8408466 387285 http.. improve this question EDIT The response down below is more correct http stackoverflow.com a 8408466 387285 http www.highcharts.com ref #series object HTML SELECT id list OPTION VALUE A Data Set A OPTION VALUE B Data Set B SELECT button id change Refresh..
Create six chart with the same rendering,different data (highchart ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6361631/create-six-chart-with-the-same-rendering-different-data-highchart but with different data AND chart title in each chart with ajax call jquery how can I do this please http www.highcharts.com documentation how to use#live charts var chart document .ready function chart new Highcharts.Chart chart renderTo 'container'.. 'right' x 3 y 10 formatter function return this.y style font 'normal 13px Verdana sans serif' jquery highcharts share improve this question If you want to have multiple charts with different data but the same setup try something..
Automatically zooming in on highcharts after loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7194249/automatically-zooming-in-on-highcharts-after-loading zooming in on highcharts after loading Does anyone know how to automatically zoom into a portion of a chart after it finishes loading I have a lot.. be cool to have too. I'm not sure how much of my existing code I'd have to change though. javascript jquery charts highcharts share improve this question You can use the setExtremes function to change the zoom. http jsfiddle.net quVda For a timeseries..
PHP JSON Highcharts load database result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7810098/php-json-highcharts-load-database-result json users array array name JulioGreff status online res MoveNext echo json_encode json php jquery database json highcharts share improve this question In your ajax call .getJSON 'ajax calc.ajax.php' function data var series must be object..
Highcharts data series issue with ajax/json and PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8058136/highcharts-data-series-issue-with-ajax-json-and-php appear to have a comma between the objects. THANK YOU for all help ...especially quick replies php jquery ajax json highcharts share improve this question SOLVED I found an answer that finally worked Frustrating that it took me several days because..
Set Additional Data to highcharts series http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8514457/set-additional-data-to-highcharts-series Additional Data to highcharts series is there any way to pass some additional data to the series object that will use to show in the chart 'tooltip'.. with the data set and can access via series object. is this possible Thank you all in advance. javascript jquery highcharts share improve this question Yes if you set up the series object like the following where each data point is a hash then..
highcharts scroll through axis http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8518686/highcharts-scroll-through-axis scroll through axis I am using a bar chart below. chart new Highcharts.Chart chart renderTo 'container' defaultSeriesType.. shrink. can i have a vertical scroll bar in to the highchart Thanks in advance and appreciate your help. jquery highcharts share improve this question This is fiddle link showing how to enable scroll bars in highcharts How to enable scroolbars.. your help. jquery highcharts share improve this question This is fiddle link showing how to enable scroll bars in highcharts How to enable scroolbars in highcharts var chart new Highcharts.Chart chart renderTo 'container' xAxis categories 'Jan'..
Hiding _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery: how to get acceptable performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8875626/hiding-groups-of-series-in-highcharts-and-jquery-how-to-get-acceptable-perfor but I can't figure out which child elements correspond to the series in the chart. Thanks. javascript jquery highcharts share improve this question The issue here is that Highcharts is redrawing the chart after every series change. I checked..
How to export the whole page or html content with Highcharts not just the chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10328457/how-to-export-the-whole-page-or-html-content-with-highcharts-not-just-the-chart to export the whole page or html content with Highcharts not just the chart hi all my chart is exporting fine with highcharts i m getting the chart for my php project but the problem..
convert mysql resultset into a (name, data) object to be fed into HighCharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520865/convert-mysql-resultset-into-a-name-data-object-to-be-fed-into-highcharts your 2nd question. You may be getting a highchart error #14 in the javascript console Have a look at this question Highcharts returning error 14 P.S. Please don't mix multiple questions in one post them separately also use tools like javascript console..
Resize height with Highcharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13768565/resize-height-with-highcharts height with Highcharts I have a Highchart which resizes the width beatuifully when the window change size. But not the height. I tried this set.. is my css for the chartdiv #chartContainer margin auto And this is the js Chart function function qchart chart new Highcharts.Chart chart renderTo 'chartContainer' type 'column' spacingBottom 3 height screen.availHeight 500 marginRight 30 marginBottom..
Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4210879/reload-chart-data-via-json-with-highcharts chart data via JSON with Highcharts I am trying to reload the data for a Highcharts chart via JSON based on a button click elsewhere in the page. Initially.. chart data via JSON with Highcharts I am trying to reload the data for a Highcharts chart via JSON based on a button click elsewhere in the page. Initially I would like to display a default set of data spending.. 0 data.name item else data.y parseFloat item options.series 0 .data.push data Create the chart var chart new Highcharts.Chart options Any help would be greatly appreciated EDIT Here is the updated Javascript thanks to Robodude. John you have..
PHP JSON Highcharts load database result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7810098/php-json-highcharts-load-database-result JSON Highcharts load database result I'm stuck I need to create highchart with json result. I found some sources here but can't put this.. var series .each data function key value series.name key series.data value options.series.push name var chart new Highcharts.Chart options highchart loads ok and fills the series with Series 1 Series 2 .... but no graphic is made he keeps blank... key value series.name key series.data value options.series.push name it should be series not name var chart new Highcharts.Chart options So it would be as follows .getJSON 'ajax calc.ajax.php' function data .each data function key value var series..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components down the best method for passing data from a Java backing managed bean to a jQuery Javascript component such as Highcharts so that my web app produces displays data in a dynamic real time way. I am pretty solid on my Java side of things but I.. below but I just want to describe what I am trying to achieve quickly Effectively I am trying to implement a dynamic Highcharts chart using a simple count function from my backing bean. Obviously further down the line I will be using a real time feed.. further down the line I will be using a real time feed to provide this data but at the moment I am just trying to get Highcharts to work based of changing information from my JSF backing bean. Here is my simple count function and conversion to JSON..
Highcharts data series issue with ajax/json and PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8058136/highcharts-data-series-issue-with-ajax-json-and-php data series issue with ajax json and PHP This is my first request here and I've read many of the other related posts on.. STILL getting stuck and pretty much at my wits end on this... So any help is much appreciated I've got the following Highcharts object on Page1.php and I'm using AJAX to get data from Page2.php on page load as well as when a dropdown option is changed... 'Important Values' reversed true min 0 max 100 tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.series.name ' b br ' Highcharts.dateFormat ' b e' this.x ' ' this.y series .get 'Page2.php domID ' domID function data .each data function key value var..
Hiding _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery: how to get acceptable performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8875626/hiding-groups-of-series-in-highcharts-and-jquery-how-to-get-acceptable-perfor _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery how to get acceptable performance I'm using Highcharts to represent groups of time series. So data points collected.. _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery how to get acceptable performance I'm using Highcharts to represent groups of time series. So data points collected from the same individual are connected by lines and data points.. are connected by lines and data points from individuals that belong to the same group share the same color. The Highcharts legend displays each individual time series instead of groups and I have over a hundred time series to it's ugly and impractical..
Highcharts: Add a custom image button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9218490/highcharts-add-a-custom-image-button Add a custom image button I want to add and image button on highcharts. So far I have successfully created a image button.. 'cursor' 'pointer' img.attr 'title' 'Pop out chart' img.on 'click' function prcessing after image is clicked new Highcharts.Chart charts.params callback where charts.params is object which contains options for chart share improve this answer..
Highcharts - best way to handle and display zero (or negative) values in a line chart series with logarithmic Y axis http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10181588/highcharts-best-way-to-handle-and-display-zero-or-negative-values-in-a-line from my Ruby on Rails application dynamically. Sometimes the series values are zeros or less which is a problem for HighCharts and it throws the following exception Highcharts Error #10 Can't plot zero or subzero values on a logarithmic axis So as..
Any suggestion on charting plugin for time stacked bar chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11475957/any-suggestion-on-charting-plugin-for-time-stacked-bar-chart showing an example and expecting someone here has any idea about this kind of charting plugins. I am not sure whether HighCharts stacked bar chart can do that since I want a status switching bar chart not an accumulative one. Thanks in advance. javascript..
HighCharts uncaught exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11486553/highcharts-uncaught-exception uncaught exception I am trying to run the same code in this jsFiddle locally but I got error from firebug uncaught exception..
convert mysql resultset into a (name, data) object to be fed into HighCharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520865/convert-mysql-resultset-into-a-name-data-object-to-be-fed-into-highcharts mysql resultset into a name data object to be fed into HighCharts I am using HighCharts Bar graph to plot data from mysql resultset into a bar graph. Now the resultset of my query is as.. mysql resultset into a name data object to be fed into HighCharts I am using HighCharts Bar graph to plot data from mysql resultset into a bar graph. Now the resultset of my query is as below Name Expense July.. of my query is as below Name Expense July 700.0000 August 450.0000 September 1700.0000 The series property of HighCharts require data in below format to plot the graph name July data 700.0000 name August data 450.0000 name September data 1700.0000..
Jquery Timeline plugins http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5377521/jquery-timeline-plugins
Charts for stock analysis applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7426595/charts-for-stock-analysis-applications help I have to deliver this in a week jquery charts stocks share improve this question I would really recommend HighCharts . They are free for open source project bur requires a license if you use it in a commercial project. They even have a library..