jquery Programming Glossary: highlighter
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing ' .2f' textColor 'black' fontSize '11px' highlighter show true sizeAdjust 7.5 seriesDefaults lineWidth 3 series..
Programatically set the marker on a plot http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10415683/programatically-set-the-marker-on-a-plot src js jquery.jqplot.1.0.0r1095 dist plugins jqplot.highlighter.js script script type text javascript We use a document ready.. i Math.cos i var plot3 .jqplot 'chartdiv' cosPoints highlighter show true showTooltip true tooltipLocation 'ne' tooltipAxes.. might know a better option if he knows how to popup the highlighter. Since I know how to get appropriate position that you are after..
How can I hide the points that are displayed on the plot chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10791642/how-can-i-hide-the-points-that-are-displayed-on-the-plot-chart ' d b Y' yaxis tickOptions formatString ' .2f' highlighter show true sizeAdjust 7.5 tooltipLocation 'nw' formatString.. to show only a simple line without any circular points highlighter or tickoptions etc.. jquery jqplot share improve this question..
Extend the bootstrap-typeahead in order to take an object instead of a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12182799/extend-the-bootstrap-typeahead-in-order-to-take-an-object-instead-of-a-string .attr 'data id' item.id i.find 'a' .html that.highlighter item return i 0 items.first .addClass 'active' this. menu.html.. return beginswith.concat caseSensitive caseInsensitive highlighter function item var query this.query.replace . ^ # s g ' ' return..
jQuery Plugin for HTML Editor with Syntax Coloring http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1232764/jquery-plugin-for-html-editor-with-syntax-coloring share improve this question Use CodeMirror . It's the highlighter used by Google for their API playground . I've tried it and..
Javascript Highlight Selected Range Button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1622629/javascript-highlight-selected-range-button would be greatly appreciated. javascript jquery range highlighter share improve this question The following should do what..
JQPlot enlarging the chart and using replot function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19294807/jqplot-enlarging-the-chart-and-using-replot-function yaxis tickOptions formatString ' .2f' highlighter sizeAdjust 7.5 cursor show true PlotChart chartData 3..
Change the Color Of Certain Words In Textarea using Jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2990157/change-the-color-of-certain-words-in-textarea-using-jquery The aim is to create a ultra simple HTML syntax highlighter for my project that's all jquery colors share improve this..
Change CSS of selected text using Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3223682/change-css-of-selected-text-using-javascript trying to make a javascript bookmarklet that will act as a highlighter changing the background of selected text on a webpage to yellow..
jQuery: Highlight element under mouse cursor? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4698259/jquery-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor maybe when the mousemove or mouseover event fires for the highlighter node I can somehow pass it along instead Maybe to node it's.. element above every element with a higher z index than my highlighter but give my highlighter a higher z index than the actual elements..... with a higher z index than my highlighter but give my highlighter a higher z index than the actual elements... theoretically it..
keynav jquery plugin not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6086316/keynav-jquery-plugin-not-working jquery plugin not working i am unable to move a highlighter div on a any web page whose locomotion is enabled only with.. for the purpose and some extra code for inserting the highlighter into it but all in vain javascript jquery jquery plugins ..
javascript code formatter and highlighter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8471556/javascript-code-formatter-and-highlighter code formatter and highlighter I am looking for a jQuery plugin that can take a string of..
Running javascript after page is fully rendered http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8611713/running-javascript-after-page-is-fully-rendered page is fully rendered I am trying to create a syntax highlighter script. I tried using my script on a code with 10 thousand lines..
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing 'black' fontSize '11px' yaxis min 0 tickOptions formatString ' .2f' textColor 'black' fontSize '11px' highlighter show true sizeAdjust 7.5 seriesDefaults lineWidth 3 series chSeries legend show true location 'sw' compass direction..
Programatically set the marker on a plot http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10415683/programatically-set-the-marker-on-a-plot script script class include type text javascript src js jquery.jqplot.1.0.0r1095 dist plugins jqplot.highlighter.js script script type text javascript We use a document ready jquery function. document .ready function Some simple loops.. var cosPoints for var i 0 i 2 Math.PI i 0.4 cosPoints.push i Math.cos i var plot3 .jqplot 'chartdiv' cosPoints highlighter show true showTooltip true tooltipLocation 'ne' tooltipAxes 'xy' useAxesFormatters null formatString ' div ul class.. this question I have come up with some answer. I think @Mark might know a better option if he knows how to popup the highlighter. Since I know how to get appropriate position that you are after just I am not sure how to call the highlighter then to..
How can I hide the points that are displayed on the plot chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10791642/how-can-i-hide-the-points-that-are-displayed-on-the-plot-chart xaxis renderer .jqplot.DateAxisRenderer tickOptions formatString ' d b Y' yaxis tickOptions formatString ' .2f' highlighter show true sizeAdjust 7.5 tooltipLocation 'nw' formatString ' b s b ' cursor show true tooltipOffset 6 but I need to hide.. value in the array. In other words I need the jqPplot chart to show only a simple line without any circular points highlighter or tickoptions etc.. jquery jqplot share improve this question To get rid off the circular markers you need to use..
Extend the bootstrap-typeahead in order to take an object instead of a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12182799/extend-the-bootstrap-typeahead-in-order-to-take-an-object-instead-of-a-string item i that.options.item .attr 'data value' item that.options.display .attr 'data id' item.id i.find 'a' .html that.highlighter item return i 0 items.first .addClass 'active' this. menu.html items return this select function var val this. menu.find.. caseSensitive.push item else caseInsensitive.push item return beginswith.concat caseSensitive caseInsensitive highlighter function item var query this.query.replace . ^ # s g ' ' return item this.options.display .replace new RegExp ' ' query..
jQuery Plugin for HTML Editor with Syntax Coloring http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1232764/jquery-plugin-for-html-editor-with-syntax-coloring like this in the past javascript jquery jquery plugins share improve this question Use CodeMirror . It's the highlighter used by Google for their API playground . I've tried it and it works well and according to their site it works in the following..
Javascript Highlight Selected Range Button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1622629/javascript-highlight-selected-range-button has no effect. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. javascript jquery range highlighter share improve this question The following should do what you want. In non IE browsers it turns on designMode applies..
JQPlot enlarging the chart and using replot function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19294807/jqplot-enlarging-the-chart-and-using-replot-function formatString ' b #d' formatter .jqplot.DateTickFormatter yaxis tickOptions formatString ' .2f' highlighter sizeAdjust 7.5 cursor show true PlotChart chartData 3 chart1 jQuery function a.topopup .click function loading..
Change the Color Of Certain Words In Textarea using Jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2990157/change-the-color-of-certain-words-in-textarea-using-jquery certain words like is a was ... should be colored or highlighted. The aim is to create a ultra simple HTML syntax highlighter for my project that's all jquery colors share improve this question This is completely impossible. You need to use..
Change CSS of selected text using Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3223682/change-css-of-selected-text-using-javascript CSS of selected text using Javascript I'm trying to make a javascript bookmarklet that will act as a highlighter changing the background of selected text on a webpage to yellow when the bookmarklet is pressed. I'm using the following..
jQuery: Highlight element under mouse cursor? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4698259/jquery-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor else Firebug.Inspector.hideBoxModel I'm thinking that maybe when the mousemove or mouseover event fires for the highlighter node I can somehow pass it along instead Maybe to node it's covering... If I position an invisible element above every element.. Maybe to node it's covering... If I position an invisible element above every element with a higher z index than my highlighter but give my highlighter a higher z index than the actual elements... theoretically it should work. The invisible elements.. If I position an invisible element above every element with a higher z index than my highlighter but give my highlighter a higher z index than the actual elements... theoretically it should work. The invisible elements will trip the mouse event..
keynav jquery plugin not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6086316/keynav-jquery-plugin-not-working jquery plugin not working i am unable to move a highlighter div on a any web page whose locomotion is enabled only with the helpof the 4 arrow keys and the fifth key with key code.. is the fifth key and its purpose. I am using the keynav plugin for the purpose and some extra code for inserting the highlighter into it but all in vain javascript jquery jquery plugins share improve this question If it is the jquery.keynav plugin..
javascript code formatter and highlighter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8471556/javascript-code-formatter-and-highlighter code formatter and highlighter I am looking for a jQuery plugin that can take a string of code as input and will apply formatting and Highlights to make..
Running javascript after page is fully rendered http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8611713/running-javascript-after-page-is-fully-rendered javascript after page is fully rendered I am trying to create a syntax highlighter script. I tried using my script on a code with 10 thousand lines and all I see is a blank page while it is loading. Everything..