jquery Programming Glossary: hl
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g window.open http maps.google.com maps f q source s_q hl en geocode q latitude longitude sll latitude longitude sspn..
jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586003/jquery-getjson-url-data-callback . Using the request http www.google.com ig calculator hl en q 1USD CAD returns a simple JSON file lhs 1 U.S. dollar rhs.. .ready function .getJSON http www.google.com ig calculator hl en q 1USD CAD label rhs format json jsoncallback function data..
find all youtube links with js (jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1712847/find-all-youtube-links-with-js-jquery param name movie value http www.youtube.com v 429l13dS6kQ hl en fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param.. always param embed src http www.youtube.com v 429l13dS6kQ hl en fs 1 type application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess.. ' param name movie value http www.youtube.com v ' var e2 ' hl en fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param..
scripting a google docs form submission http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2128367/scripting-a-google-docs-form-submission submit is located at http spreadsheets.google.com viewform hl en formkey dFd0SHgwQ3YwSFd5UHZpM1QxMlNOdlE6MA How can I go about..
How to popup a jquery window to play youtube video? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838749/how-to-popup-a-jquery-window-to-play-youtube-video modal first. a href http www.youtube.com v 2cxqZiWyW3g hl en_US fs 1 autoplay 1 class video link Video 1 a a href http.. link Video 1 a a href http www.youtube.com v 607RMNoJfl4 hl en_US fs 1 autoplay 1 class video link Video 2 a div class modal..
javascript addEventListener onStateChange not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2885500/javascript-addeventlistener-onstatechange-not-working-in-ie call swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v SPWU EiulRY hl en_US hd 0 rel 0 fs 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytvideo1..
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox param name movie value http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 param name allowFullScreen.. id embeddedPlayer src http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 type application..
How to change the video playing in Youtube embedded player? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/689376/how-to-change-the-video-playing-in-youtube-embedded-player The list will look like this video1 li a href MzfAvHlIVjE hl en fs 1 rel 0 color1 0x3a3a3a color2 0x999999 video1 a li bbbbb.. param name movie value http www.youtube.com v MzfAvHlIVjE hl en fs 1 rel 0 color1 0x3a3a3a color2 0x999999 param param name.. always param embed src http www.youtube.com v MzfAvHlIVjE hl en fs 1 rel 0 color1 0x3a3a3a color2 0x999999 type application..
Origin 'url' is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7216059/origin-url-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin dummy code .getJSON http www.google.com ig calculator hl en q 1 DOP USD function data '.currNumber' .each function index.. cannot load http www.google.com ig calculator hl en q 1DOP USD . Origin 'hostURL' is not allowed by Access Control..
YouTube url id Regex [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8388223/youtube-url-id-regex 1 QdK8U VIH_o http www.youtube.com v 0zM3nApSvMg fs 1 amp hl en_US amp rel 0 http www.youtube.com watch v 0zM3nApSvMg#t 0m10s.. 1 QdK8U VIH_o http www.youtube.com v 0zM3nApSvMg fs 1 amp hl en_US amp rel 0 http www.youtube.com watch v 0zM3nApSvMg#t 0m10s..
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g var latitude this.position.lat var longitude this.position.lng window.open http maps.google.com maps f q source s_q hl en geocode q latitude longitude sll latitude longitude sspn 0.172749 0.4422 ie UTF8 ll latitude longitude spn 0.162818 0.4422..
jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586003/jquery-getjson-url-data-callback to retrieve the exchange rate from Google with jQuery's .getJSON . Using the request http www.google.com ig calculator hl en q 1USD CAD returns a simple JSON file lhs 1 U.S. dollar rhs 1.03800015 Canadian dollars error icc true I am using the.. jquery function to get the Canadian dollar amount. document .ready function .getJSON http www.google.com ig calculator hl en q 1USD CAD label rhs format json jsoncallback function data alert data script Fire bug displays the correct JSON file..
find all youtube links with js (jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1712847/find-all-youtube-links-with-js-jquery link with div id yt video object width 560 height 340 param name movie value http www.youtube.com v 429l13dS6kQ hl en fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name allowscriptaccess value always param embed src http.. value true param param name allowscriptaccess value always param embed src http www.youtube.com v 429l13dS6kQ hl en fs 1 type application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always allowfullscreen true width 560 height 340 embed object.. var e1 ' obj' 'ect width ' vidWidth ' height ' vidHeight ' param name movie value http www.youtube.com v ' var e2 ' hl en fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name allowscriptaccess ' 'value always param em' 'bed src..
scripting a google docs form submission http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2128367/scripting-a-google-docs-form-submission method instead of formresponse . The form i'm trying to submit is located at http spreadsheets.google.com viewform hl en formkey dFd0SHgwQ3YwSFd5UHZpM1QxMlNOdlE6MA How can I go about injecting the script values into that form and then submitting..
How to popup a jquery window to play youtube video? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838749/how-to-popup-a-jquery-window-to-play-youtube-video to display the video but you would still need it to popup your modal first. a href http www.youtube.com v 2cxqZiWyW3g hl en_US fs 1 autoplay 1 class video link Video 1 a a href http www.youtube.com v 607RMNoJfl4 hl en_US fs 1 autoplay 1 class.. v 2cxqZiWyW3g hl en_US fs 1 autoplay 1 class video link Video 1 a a href http www.youtube.com v 607RMNoJfl4 hl en_US fs 1 autoplay 1 class video link Video 2 a div class modal id video modal div id video container style width 425px..
javascript addEventListener onStateChange not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2885500/javascript-addeventlistener-onstatechange-not-working-in-ie onStateChange onytplayerStateChange right after you call swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v SPWU EiulRY hl en_US hd 0 rel 0 fs 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytvideo1 popupVideoContainer1 853 505 8 null null params atts..
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox width 575 height 344 param name wmode value transparent param name movie value http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 param name allowFullScreen value true embed id embeddedPlayer src http www.youtube.com.. 0x54abd6 rel 0 param name allowFullScreen value true embed id embeddedPlayer src http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 type application x shockwave flash allowfullscreen true width 575 height 344..
How to change the video playing in Youtube embedded player? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/689376/how-to-change-the-video-playing-in-youtube-embedded-player a click on each li will change the video link just below. The list will look like this video1 li a href MzfAvHlIVjE hl en fs 1 rel 0 color1 0x3a3a3a color2 0x999999 video1 a li bbbbb ccccc video player here So clicking on aaaaa will play aaaaa.. is the youtube object to edit object width 320 height 265 param name movie value http www.youtube.com v MzfAvHlIVjE hl en fs 1 rel 0 color1 0x3a3a3a color2 0x999999 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name allowscriptaccess.. value true param param name allowscriptaccess value always param embed src http www.youtube.com v MzfAvHlIVjE hl en fs 1 rel 0 color1 0x3a3a3a color2 0x999999 type application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always allowfullscreen..
Origin 'url' is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7216059/origin-url-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin with the Google Currency Calculator using the following jquery dummy code .getJSON http www.google.com ig calculator hl en q 1 DOP USD function data '.currNumber' .each function index this .html parseFloat this .html 0.02681 XMLHttpRequest.. index this .html parseFloat this .html 0.02681 XMLHttpRequest cannot load http www.google.com ig calculator hl en q 1DOP USD . Origin 'hostURL' is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin. Looking in the site I've found various topics..
YouTube url id Regex [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8388223/youtube-url-id-regex http www.youtube.com user IngridMichaelsonVEVO#p a u 1 QdK8U VIH_o http www.youtube.com v 0zM3nApSvMg fs 1 amp hl en_US amp rel 0 http www.youtube.com watch v 0zM3nApSvMg#t 0m10s http www.youtube.com embed 0zM3nApSvMg rel 0 http www.youtube.com.. http www.youtube.com user IngridMichaelsonVEVO#p a u 1 QdK8U VIH_o http www.youtube.com v 0zM3nApSvMg fs 1 amp hl en_US amp rel 0 http www.youtube.com watch v 0zM3nApSvMg#t 0m10s http www.youtube.com embed 0zM3nApSvMg rel 0 http www.youtube.com..