jquery Programming Glossary: history.adapter.bind
pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632483/pushstate-and-popstate-manipulating-browsers-history responseText .filter title .text .fadeIn fast History.Adapter.bind window statechange function menuLink.removeClass active a href..
Is this a proper way to use History.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13278822/is-this-a-proper-way-to-use-history-js var History window.History if History.enabled return false History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function var State History.getState History.log.. selector Content update and back forward button handler History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function updateContent History.getState..
jQuery & history.js example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13553037/jquery-history-js-example browsers or not. return false Bind to StateChange Event History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function Note We are using statechange..
Back-Forward buttons of browser are showing weird behaviour. History.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15954005/back-forward-buttons-of-browser-are-showing-weird-behaviour-history-js actions of back and forward buttons should be inclueded in History.Adapter.bind . The problem is that the back forward buttons of the browser.. having weird behaviour They execute the functions inside History.Adapter.bind many times exaclty the number of times I already had an onChange.. localhost enc p ' str History.pushState myid str str2 path History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function var State History.getState update_div1..
browser back and forward button does not invoke callback method with statechange event of history.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16164210/browser-back-and-forward-button-does-not-invoke-callback-method-with-statechange browserstate history.js and have a piece of code like this History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function var State History.getState alert.. function var State History.getState alert 'Inside History.Adapter.bind ' State.data.myData function manageHistory url data uniqueId.. uniqueId if I invoke manageHistory after my ajax call then History.Adapter.bind callback method get invoked correctly. However if I click the..
pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10632483/pushstate-and-popstate-manipulating-browsers-history .hide .load newLoadedHtml function responseText document.title responseText .filter title .text .fadeIn fast History.Adapter.bind window statechange function menuLink.removeClass active a href ' History.getState .title ' .addClass active '#sectionContainer'..
Is this a proper way to use History.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13278822/is-this-a-proper-way-to-use-history-js login form Login Form a a href nothing Nothing a script var History window.History if History.enabled return false History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function var State History.getState History.log State.data State.title State.url if State.title 'Page.. '#hidden_content' loadAjaxContent '#content' State.url selector Content update and back forward button handler History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function updateContent History.getState navigation link handler 'body' .on 'click' 'a' function e..
jQuery & history.js example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13553037/jquery-history-js-example This is because we can optionally choose to support HTML4 browsers or not. return false Bind to StateChange Event History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function Note We are using statechange instead of popstate var State History.getState '#content' .load..
Back-Forward buttons of browser are showing weird behaviour. History.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15954005/back-forward-buttons-of-browser-are-showing-weird-behaviour-history-js know after reading many articles on SO about history.js the actions of back and forward buttons should be inclueded in History.Adapter.bind . The problem is that the back forward buttons of the browser are having weird behaviour They execute the functions inside.. problem is that the back forward buttons of the browser are having weird behaviour They execute the functions inside History.Adapter.bind many times exaclty the number of times I already had an onChange event triggerd via select . The code of manage_history.. if History.enabled return false var path 'http localhost enc p ' str History.pushState myid str str2 path History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function var State History.getState update_div1 State.data.myid fter update_div2 State.data.myid update_div3..
browser back and forward button does not invoke callback method with statechange event of history.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16164210/browser-back-and-forward-button-does-not-invoke-callback-method-with-statechange statechange event of history.js so I used https github.com browserstate history.js and have a piece of code like this History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function var State History.getState alert 'Inside History.Adapter.bind ' State.data.myData function.. a piece of code like this History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function var State History.getState alert 'Inside History.Adapter.bind ' State.data.myData function manageHistory url data uniqueId var History window.History if History.enabled return false.. History.replaceState myData data null ' stateHistory ' uniqueId if I invoke manageHistory after my ajax call then History.Adapter.bind callback method get invoked correctly. However if I click the browser back and then click forward button that result in..