jquery Programming Glossary: enablejsapi
YouTube (injected) video ends callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12107202/youtube-injected-video-ends-callback are included as iframe URL parameters. The parameter enablejsapi 1 is set. Example Markup script src http www.youtube.com iframe_api.. 420 height 315 src http www.youtube.com embed ' vidId ' enablejsapi 1 autoplay 1 autohide 1 showinfo 0 ' 'frameborder 0 allowfullscreen..
javascript addEventListener onStateChange not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2885500/javascript-addeventlistener-onstatechange-not-working-in-ie v SPWU EiulRY hl en_US hd 0 rel 0 fs 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytvideo1 popupVideoContainer1 853 505 8 null null..
Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786380/using-youtubes-javascript-api-with-jquery i swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v QTQfGd3G6dg enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytplayer i containerplayer i 425 356 8 null null..
JQuery, fade in youtube iframe embed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7865904/jquery-fade-in-youtube-iframe-embed http www.youtube.com embed u1zgFlCw8Aw wmode transparent enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 iframe div div id ID of first div div div id..
Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7988476/listening-for-youtube-event-in-javascript-or-jquery the iframe embed code http www.youtube.com embed '. i.' enablejsapi 1 I'm trying to make the onStateChange event of any of the four..
How do I automatically play a Youtube video (IFrame API) muted? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8869372/how-do-i-automatically-play-a-youtube-video-iframe-api-muted embed JW5meKfy3fY wmode opaque autohide 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 lt br gt iframe please note enablejsapi 1 in.. 1 enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 lt br gt iframe please note enablejsapi 1 in the url. Javascript var player iframe.getElementById 'player'..
Check if YouTube video is playing and run script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8950146/check-if-youtube-video-is-playing-and-run-script width 640 height 360 src http www.youtube.com embed xxxxxx enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe And it's inside a SlideDeck.. swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v VIDEO_ID enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytplayer version 3 ytapiplayer 425 356 8 null..
YouTube (injected) video ends callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12107202/youtube-injected-video-ends-callback because you are building the iframe yourself. The playerVars are included as iframe URL parameters. The parameter enablejsapi 1 is set. Example Markup script src http www.youtube.com iframe_api script a style display block class video thumb id HuGbuEv_3AU.. 'id' '#container' .html ' iframe id player_' vidId ' width 420 height 315 src http www.youtube.com embed ' vidId ' enablejsapi 1 autoplay 1 autohide 1 showinfo 0 ' 'frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe ' new YT.Player 'player_' vidId events 'onStateChange'..
javascript addEventListener onStateChange not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2885500/javascript-addeventlistener-onstatechange-not-working-in-ie right after you call swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v SPWU EiulRY hl en_US hd 0 rel 0 fs 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytvideo1 popupVideoContainer1 853 505 8 null null params atts before you close out that function and place..
Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786380/using-youtubes-javascript-api-with-jquery var atts id ytplayer i div ' div ' .attr 'id' containerplayer i swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v QTQfGd3G6dg enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytplayer i containerplayer i 425 356 8 null null params atts this .append div jQuery function onYouTubePlayerReady..
JQuery, fade in youtube iframe embed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7865904/jquery-fade-in-youtube-iframe-embed iframe id player type text html width 320 height 240 src http www.youtube.com embed u1zgFlCw8Aw wmode transparent enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 iframe div div id ID of first div div div id ID of second div div div id btn1 div body html share improve..
Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7988476/listening-for-youtube-event-in-javascript-or-jquery a slider which includes 4 youtube videos that are embedded via the iframe embed code http www.youtube.com embed '. i.' enablejsapi 1 I'm trying to make the onStateChange event of any of the four videos call a function I have called stopCycle which will..
How do I automatically play a Youtube video (IFrame API) muted? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8869372/how-do-i-automatically-play-a-youtube-video-iframe-api-muted youtube player id player type text html src http www.youtube.com embed JW5meKfy3fY wmode opaque autohide 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 lt br gt iframe please note enablejsapi 1 in the url. Javascript var player iframe.getElementById 'player'.. embed JW5meKfy3fY wmode opaque autohide 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 lt br gt iframe please note enablejsapi 1 in the url. Javascript var player iframe.getElementById 'player' player.mute Update Previous code had some issues as pointed..
Check if YouTube video is playing and run script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8950146/check-if-youtube-video-is-playing-and-run-script following video embeded within WordPress iframe id video width 640 height 360 src http www.youtube.com embed xxxxxx enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe And it's inside a SlideDeck slider which I want to stop when someone clicks the video... var params allowScriptAccess always var atts id myytplayer swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v VIDEO_ID enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytplayer version 3 ytapiplayer 425 356 8 null null params atts var player function onytplayerStateChange..