jquery Programming Glossary: employeeid
ASP.NET jQuery AutoComplete - textbox not responding after first search http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1106029/asp-net-jquery-autocomplete-textbox-not-responding-after-first-search More Code Here's what the update button does for the search area that is separate from the autocomplete code try int employeeID string namelst txtSearchName.Text.Split new string StringSplitOptions.None employeeID int.Parse namelst 2 .Substring 1.. the autocomplete code try int employeeID string namelst txtSearchName.Text.Split new string StringSplitOptions.None employeeID int.Parse namelst 2 .Substring 1 namelst 2 .Length 2 string name namelst 0 namelst 1 var breaks bh.ListBreaksForEmployeeByDate.. namelst 2 .Substring 1 namelst 2 .Length 2 string name namelst 0 namelst 1 var breaks bh.ListBreaksForEmployeeByDate employeeID DateTime.Parse txtFromDate.Text txtToDate.Text.Length 0 DateTime.Parse txtToDate.Text .AddDays 1 .AddSeconds 1 DateTime.Today.AddDays..
custom formatter for editable cells is not working properly on selecting that cell in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9860077/custom-formatter-for-editable-cells-is-not-working-properly-on-selecting-that-ce ' ' Assignment i .assignPercent ' ' return strResources my JSON is list id 16731 no 1 name resources employeeID 103 employeeName Gowri assignPercent 100 employeeID 108 employeeName Paul assignPercent 50 employeeID 111 employeeName.. strResources my JSON is list id 16731 no 1 name resources employeeID 103 employeeName Gowri assignPercent 100 employeeID 108 employeeName Paul assignPercent 50 employeeID 111 employeeName Sarfaraz assignPercent 50.5 jquery jqgrid.. employeeID 103 employeeName Gowri assignPercent 100 employeeID 108 employeeName Paul assignPercent 50 employeeID 111 employeeName Sarfaraz assignPercent 50.5 jquery jqgrid share improve this question In your case the choice..