jquery Programming Glossary: enddate
setTimeOut() or setInterval() . 4 methods to apply same thing. which is best? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11520834/settimeout-or-setinterval-4-methods-to-apply-same-thing-which-is-best below is my countdown function. var timerId var postData endDate endDate tz tz var countdown function .ajax type 'post' async.. is my countdown function. var timerId var postData endDate endDate tz tz var countdown function .ajax type 'post' async false..
jQuery dollar sign is undefined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13482022/jquery-dollar-sign-is-undefined v1 public yql' var startDate '2012 01 01' var endDate '2012 01 08' var jsonData encodeURIComponent 'select from yahoo.finance.historicaldata.. in YHOO AAPL GOOG MSFT and startDate ' startDate ' and endDate ' endDate ' ' .getJSON url 'q ' data env http 3A 2F 2Fdatatables.org.. AAPL GOOG MSFT and startDate ' startDate ' and endDate ' endDate ' ' .getJSON url 'q ' data env http 3A 2F 2Fdatatables.org 2Falltables.env..
How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15199814/how-to-plot-a-date-range-on-x-axis-in-flot-charts x axis as the date. E.g. if I've two days startDate and endDate how do I make the X axis display something like 1 Jan 2013 2..
jquery datepicker not sending data on using .serialize() for populating the grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3680172/jquery-datepicker-not-sending-data-on-using-serialize-for-populating-the-grid will be serialized under the names startDate and endDate you have to modify your HTML code from input id sdate type text.. startDate type text style width 70px input id edate name endDate type text style width 70px The function jQuery.serialize serialize..
jQuery Validate (Date Range) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3761185/jquery-validate-date-range element arg Same as above var startDate Date.parse arg 0 endDate Date.parse arg 1 enteredDate Date.parse value Same as below..
webservice - unknown web method parameter name methodname http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4543347/webservice-unknown-web-method-parameter-name-methodname GetEventosCalendario ByVal startDate As String ByVal endDate As String As String Try Return CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos.. Return CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos startDate endDate Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception FullCalendar GetEventos.. GetEventosCalendario ByVal startDate As String ByVal endDate As String As String Try Return CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos..
Jquery datetimepicker - Advance time by 1 hour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5965203/jquery-datetimepicker-advance-time-by-1-hour var startDate '#dtStartDate' .datetimepicker 'getDate' var endDate new Date parseFloat startDate.setHours startDate.getHours 1.. startDate.getHours 1 Get the ending date datepart var endDateDatePart endDate.getFullYear ' ' endDate.getMonth ' ' endDate.getDate.. 1 Get the ending date datepart var endDateDatePart endDate.getFullYear ' ' endDate.getMonth ' ' endDate.getDate calculate..
Highlight <TR> entire week datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7187796/highlight-tr-entire-week-datepicker for my datepicker. Javascript function var startDate var endDate var selectCurrentWeek function window.setTimeout function '.week.. date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 1 endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay.. function date var cssClass '' if date startDate date endDate cssClass 'ui datepicker current day' return true cssClass ..
Add no. of days in a date to get next date(excluding weekends) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8451190/add-no-of-days-in-a-date-to-get-next-dateexcluding-weekends 9 DEC 2011 startDate new Date startDate.replace g var endDate noOfDaysToAdd 13 count 0 while count noOfDaysToAdd endDate new.. endDate noOfDaysToAdd 13 count 0 while count noOfDaysToAdd endDate new Date startDate.setDate startDate.getDate 1 if endDate.getDay.. endDate new Date startDate.setDate startDate.getDate 1 if endDate.getDay 0 endDate.getDay 6 Date.getDay gives weekday starting..
Submit form and pass values with ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13502638/submit-form-and-pass-values-with-ajax var jsonData .ajax url server.php startdate start_date enddate end_date type type dataType json async false .responseText.. var jsonData .ajax url server.php startdate start_date enddate end_date type type dataType json async false .responseText..
jquery datepicker highlight dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2385332/jquery-datepicker-highlight-dates dates i'm struggling to highlight the dates startdate enddate which i select.Can anyone help me jquery datepicker date highlight..
Jquery Date.parse returning NaN in Chrome browser? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7964922/jquery-date-parse-returning-nan-in-chrome-browser start date and end date. var startdate '02 01 2011' var enddate '31 12 2011' But if we alert start date alert Date.Parse startdate.. startdate i will get 1296498600000 but if i alert enddate alert Date.Parse enddate i will get NaN But this is working.. get 1296498600000 but if i alert enddate alert Date.Parse enddate i will get NaN But this is working in other browsers except..
setTimeOut() or setInterval() . 4 methods to apply same thing. which is best? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11520834/settimeout-or-setinterval-4-methods-to-apply-same-thing-which-is-best perfect but i want to know which is best methods to apply. below is my countdown function. var timerId var postData endDate endDate tz tz var countdown function .ajax type 'post' async false timeout 1000 url '. ajax_countdown.php' data .param.. but i want to know which is best methods to apply. below is my countdown function. var timerId var postData endDate endDate tz tz var countdown function .ajax type 'post' async false timeout 1000 url '. ajax_countdown.php' data .param postData..
jQuery dollar sign is undefined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13482022/jquery-dollar-sign-is-undefined historical data code that breaks var url 'http query.yahooapis.com v1 public yql' var startDate '2012 01 01' var endDate '2012 01 08' var jsonData encodeURIComponent 'select from yahoo.finance.historicaldata where symbol in YHOO AAPL GOOG MSFT.. 'select from yahoo.finance.historicaldata where symbol in YHOO AAPL GOOG MSFT and startDate ' startDate ' and endDate ' endDate ' ' .getJSON url 'q ' data env http 3A 2F 2Fdatatables.org 2Falltables.env format json callback data.addColumn.. from yahoo.finance.historicaldata where symbol in YHOO AAPL GOOG MSFT and startDate ' startDate ' and endDate ' endDate ' ' .getJSON url 'q ' data env http 3A 2F 2Fdatatables.org 2Falltables.env format json callback data.addColumn 'date' 'Date'..
How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15199814/how-to-plot-a-date-range-on-x-axis-in-flot-charts to 3rd Mar 2013 etc So I want to display a line chart with x axis as the date. E.g. if I've two days startDate and endDate how do I make the X axis display something like 1 Jan 2013 2 Jan 2013........................3 Mar 2013 My code is as follows..
jquery datepicker not sending data on using .serialize() for populating the grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3680172/jquery-datepicker-not-sending-data-on-using-serialize-for-populating-the-grid want that the input fields with ids sdate and edate having datepicker will be serialized under the names startDate and endDate you have to modify your HTML code from input id sdate type text style width 70px input id edate type text style width 70px.. id edate type text style width 70px to input id sdate name startDate type text style width 70px input id edate name endDate type text style width 70px The function jQuery.serialize serialize only elements which has name attribute. All your select..
jQuery Validate (Date Range) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3761185/jquery-validate-date-range be provided .validator.addMethod 'daterange' function value element arg Same as above var startDate Date.parse arg 0 endDate Date.parse arg 1 enteredDate Date.parse value Same as below .validator.format Please specify a date between 0 and 1 . See..
webservice - unknown web method parameter name methodname http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4543347/webservice-unknown-web-method-parameter-name-methodname _ WebMethod MessageName ObtieneEventos _ Public Shared Function GetEventosCalendario ByVal startDate As String ByVal endDate As String As String Try Return CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos startDate endDate Catch ex As Exception Throw New.. startDate As String ByVal endDate As String As String Try Return CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos startDate endDate Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception FullCalendar GetEventos ex.Message Finally End Try End Function The webservice.. ResponseFormat ResponseFormat.Json _ WebMethod _ Public Function GetEventosCalendario ByVal startDate As String ByVal endDate As String As String Try Return CalendarioMensualDAO.Instance.getEventos startDate endDate Catch ex As Exception Throw New..
Jquery datetimepicker - Advance time by 1 hour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5965203/jquery-datetimepicker-advance-time-by-1-hour '#dtStartDate' .datetimepicker onSelect function var startDate '#dtStartDate' .datetimepicker 'getDate' var endDate new Date parseFloat startDate.setHours startDate.getHours 1 Get the ending date datepart var endDateDatePart endDate.getFullYear.. 'getDate' var endDate new Date parseFloat startDate.setHours startDate.getHours 1 Get the ending date datepart var endDateDatePart endDate.getFullYear ' ' endDate.getMonth ' ' endDate.getDate calculate the ending date time part including AM PM.. endDate new Date parseFloat startDate.setHours startDate.getHours 1 Get the ending date datepart var endDateDatePart endDate.getFullYear ' ' endDate.getMonth ' ' endDate.getDate calculate the ending date time part including AM PM var endDateTimePart..
Highlight <TR> entire week datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7187796/highlight-tr-entire-week-datepicker are the cells being highlighted in yellow The code follows for my datepicker. Javascript function var startDate var endDate var selectCurrentWeek function window.setTimeout function '.week picker' .find '.ui datepicker current day a' .addClass.. inst var date this .datepicker 'getDate' startDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 1 endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat 'yy mm dd' var newDate '#startDate' .text.. timesheet week_commencing yy mm dd beforeShowDay function date var cssClass '' if date startDate date endDate cssClass 'ui datepicker current day' return true cssClass onChangeMonthYear function year month inst selectCurrentWeek..
Add no. of days in a date to get next date(excluding weekends) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8451190/add-no-of-days-in-a-date-to-get-next-dateexcluding-weekends jquery share improve this question Try this var startDate 9 DEC 2011 startDate new Date startDate.replace g var endDate noOfDaysToAdd 13 count 0 while count noOfDaysToAdd endDate new Date startDate.setDate startDate.getDate 1 if endDate.getDay.. 9 DEC 2011 startDate new Date startDate.replace g var endDate noOfDaysToAdd 13 count 0 while count noOfDaysToAdd endDate new Date startDate.setDate startDate.getDate 1 if endDate.getDay 0 endDate.getDay 6 Date.getDay gives weekday starting from.. endDate noOfDaysToAdd 13 count 0 while count noOfDaysToAdd endDate new Date startDate.setDate startDate.getDate 1 if endDate.getDay 0 endDate.getDay 6 Date.getDay gives weekday starting from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday count alert endDate You can format..
Submit form and pass values with ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13502638/submit-form-and-pass-values-with-ajax form and pass values with ajax Index.html function drawChart var jsonData .ajax url server.php startdate start_date enddate end_date type type dataType json async false .responseText var obj jQuery.parseJSON jsonData var data google.visualization.arrayToDataTable.. 'end_date' .val var type 'type' .val function drawChart var jsonData .ajax url server.php startdate start_date enddate end_date type type dataType json async false .responseText var obj jQuery.parseJSON jsonData var data google.visualization.arrayToDataTable..
jquery datepicker highlight dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2385332/jquery-datepicker-highlight-dates datepicker highlight dates i'm struggling to highlight the dates startdate enddate which i select.Can anyone help me jquery datepicker date highlight share improve this question You can use the beforeShowDay..
Jquery Date.parse returning NaN in Chrome browser? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7964922/jquery-date-parse-returning-nan-in-chrome-browser I have a senario where i have to parse two dates for example start date and end date. var startdate '02 01 2011' var enddate '31 12 2011' But if we alert start date alert Date.Parse startdate i will get 1296498600000 but if i alert enddate alert.. var enddate '31 12 2011' But if we alert start date alert Date.Parse startdate i will get 1296498600000 but if i alert enddate alert Date.Parse enddate i will get NaN But this is working in other browsers except Chrome But in other browsers alert.. But if we alert start date alert Date.Parse startdate i will get 1296498600000 but if i alert enddate alert Date.Parse enddate i will get NaN But this is working in other browsers except Chrome But in other browsers alert Date.Parse enddate i will..