jquery Programming Glossary: end.gettime
fullCalendar jQuery, repeat every monday? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11072616/fullcalendar-jquery-repeat-every-monday dynamically generate virtual events for every monday and wednesday. var events for loop start.getTime loop end.getTime loop loop 24 60 60 1000 var test_date new Date loop if test_date.is .monday we're in Moday create the event events.push..
Why does this DateTimePicker script cause IE6 and IE7 not to load page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12292649/why-does-this-datetimepicker-script-cause-ie6-and-ie7-not-to-load-page selectedDateTime var end this .datetimepicker 'getDate' '#StartDateTime' .datetimepicker 'option' 'maxDate' new Date end.getTime script I believe this is the error that it is throwing HTML Parsing Error Unable to modify the parent container element..
jquery Full Calendar not showing events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1544010/jquery-full-calendar-not-showing-events start end callback do some asynchronous ajax .getJSON User GetEvents start dateFormat start.getTime end dateFormat end.getTime function result then pass the CalEvent array to the callback callback result eventClick function event editEventShow.. contentType application json charset utf 8 .getJSON User GetEvents start dateFormat start.getTime end dateFormat end.getTime function result if result null for i in result var calEvent result i calEvent.date new Date parseInt calEvent.date.replace..
add custom params to fullcalendar request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7779643/add-custom-params-to-fullcalendar-request callback .ajax url 'getCalendarEvents' dataType 'json' data start Math.round start.getTime 1000 end Math.round end.getTime 1000 foo getFoo success function doc var events eval doc callback events javascript jquery fullcalendar share.. 'xml' data our hypothetical feed requires UNIX timestamps start Math.round start.getTime 1000 end Math.round end.getTime 1000 foo myFoo success function doc var events doc .find 'event' .each function events.push title this .attr 'title'..