jquery Programming Glossary: emptyrecords
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid rowNum 10 rowList 10 50 100 scrollOffset 0 height 'auto' emptyrecords 'No configurations loaded' autowidth true viewrecords true gridview..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation 'id' viewrecords true sortorder asc caption Contacts emptyrecords Empty records loadonce false loadComplete function Is this achievable..
jQuery - jqGrid - undesired behavior in onSelectRow event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16815395/jquery-jqgrid-undesired-behavior-in-onselectrow-event grid defaults altrows true recordtext View 0 1 of 2 emptyrecords No records to view loadonce true pgtext Page 0 of 1 Following..
Using jqGrid's emptyrecords option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4126593/using-jqgrids-emptyrecords-option jqGrid's emptyrecords option So I have this grid. It's a very nice grid. Lovely really... but either I'm missing something critical or the emptyrecords option isn't behaving the way I'd expect. Can someone point.. width 125 sorttype 'date' data pages datatype 'local' emptyrecords 'No URLs have been loaded for evaluation.' forceFit true height..
jqGrid and search filter. Best way to repopulate data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5275062/jqgrid-and-search-filter-best-way-to-repopulate-data false shrinkToFit false rownumbers true hidegrid false emptyrecords No records. and unloaded it GridUnload before recreating it... false shrinkToFit false rownumbers true hidegrid false emptyrecords No records. #cmdSearch .click function myGrid.trigger 'reloadGrid'..
Showlink custom formatter with anchor and image in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7119297/showlink-custom-formatter-with-anchor-and-image-in-jqgrid 10 rowList 10 50 100 scrollOffset 0 height 'auto' emptyrecords 'No configurations loaded' autowidth true viewrecords true..
Weird behavior of jqGrid row selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7357996/weird-behavior-of-jqgrid-row-selection 10 rowList 10 50 100 scrollOffset 0 height 'auto' emptyrecords 'No configurations loaded' autowidth true viewrecords true..
Can I implement lazy loading with jqGrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9790122/can-i-implement-lazy-loading-with-jqgrid 'id' viewrecords true sortorder desc caption Students emptyrecords Empty Records subGrid true CDATA onSelectRow function id ..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid width 10 align left hidden true pager '#gridpager' rowNum 10 rowList 10 50 100 scrollOffset 0 height 'auto' emptyrecords 'No configurations loaded' autowidth true viewrecords true gridview true multiselect true xmlReader root list row Response..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation height 200 autowidth true rownumbers true pager '#pager' sortname 'id' viewrecords true sortorder asc caption Contacts emptyrecords Empty records loadonce false loadComplete function Is this achievable Do I need to parse JSON data specially for the subgrid..
jQuery - jqGrid - undesired behavior in onSelectRow event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16815395/jquery-jqgrid-undesired-behavior-in-onselectrow-event sortname SendTime hidegrid false hides the ability to collapse grid defaults altrows true recordtext View 0 1 of 2 emptyrecords No records to view loadonce true pgtext Page 0 of 1 Following is the onSelectRow event. onSelectRow function id var tr this..
Using jqGrid's emptyrecords option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4126593/using-jqgrids-emptyrecords-option jqGrid's emptyrecords option So I have this grid. It's a very nice grid. Lovely really. Except when I have nothing to populate it with. In that.. a message indicating that No URLs have been loaded for evaluation. but either I'm missing something critical or the emptyrecords option isn't behaving the way I'd expect. Can someone point me in the right direction var pages php echo json_encoded_array.. 'url' width 400 align 'center' name 'created' index 'created' width 125 sorttype 'date' data pages datatype 'local' emptyrecords 'No URLs have been loaded for evaluation.' forceFit true height 'auto' hoverrows true sortname 'created' pager '#url pager'..
jqGrid and search filter. Best way to repopulate data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5275062/jqgrid-and-search-filter-best-way-to-repopulate-data 100 pager '#MyPager' rowList 10 50 100 rowNum 10 viewrecords false shrinkToFit false rownumbers true hidegrid false emptyrecords No records. and unloaded it GridUnload before recreating it. I was wondering if this is the best way to do it or there.. 100 pager '#MyPager' rowList 10 50 100 rowNum 10 viewrecords false shrinkToFit false rownumbers true hidegrid false emptyrecords No records. #cmdSearch .click function myGrid.trigger 'reloadGrid' page 1 In the code I use the idea of usage functions..
Showlink custom formatter with anchor and image in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7119297/showlink-custom-formatter-with-anchor-and-image-in-jqgrid width 90 align left hidden true pager '#gridpager' rowNum 10 rowList 10 50 100 scrollOffset 0 height 'auto' emptyrecords 'No configurations loaded' autowidth true viewrecords true gridview true multiselect true xmlReader root list row..
Weird behavior of jqGrid row selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7357996/weird-behavior-of-jqgrid-row-selection width 90 align left hidden true pager '#gridpager' rowNum 10 rowList 10 50 100 scrollOffset 0 height 'auto' emptyrecords 'No configurations loaded' autowidth true viewrecords true gridview true multiselect true xmlReader root list row..
Can I implement lazy loading with jqGrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9790122/can-i-implement-lazy-loading-with-jqgrid value rowNum 10 autowidth true pager '#pager' sortname 'id' viewrecords true sortorder desc caption Students emptyrecords Empty Records subGrid true CDATA onSelectRow function id if lastsel 0 id lastsel #studentGrid .jqGrid 'collapseSubGridRow'..