jquery Programming Glossary: encoded
HTML-encoding in JavaScript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1219860/html-encoding-in-javascript-jquery display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example input id 'hiddenId' type 'hidden' value 'chalk.. text which jQuery automatically encodes then grab the encoded contents back out. The div never exists on the page. return.. I set the innerText of the element and retrieve the encoded innerHTML on the htmlDecode function I set the innerHTML value..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 this delete postdata this decode data if there encoded with autoencode if grid_p.autoencode .each postdata function..
Can I return JSON from an .asmx Web Service if the ContentType is not JSON? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670147/can-i-return-json-from-an-asmx-web-service-if-the-contenttype-is-not-json work because the contentType is application x www form urlencoded not application json charset utf 8 . Can anyone tell me why.. to get JSON back yet if you don't use JSON i.e. post urlencoded contenttype then the webservice will return XML. Any insights.. reason see JSON Hijacking . Probably 'x www form urlencoded' is not your real problem. If you use dataType json the parameters..
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2737525/how-do-i-build-a-json-object-to-send-to-an-ajax-webservice c not working 2656543#2656543 . The data should be JSON encoded. You should separate encode every input parameter. Because you..
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928371/how-to-filter-the-jqgrid-data-not-using-the-built-in-search-filter-box and all special symbols like blanks will be also encoded as usual . The advantages of the usage of postData is usage..
Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3259967/sending-displaying-a-base64-encoded-image Displaying a base64 encoded Image I need to send a base64 encoded string to a client. Therefore.. Displaying a base64 encoded Image I need to send a base64 encoded string to a client. Therefore I'm opening and reading an image..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert the data which will be send to the server will be JSON encoded. Almost the same settings can be used for the delete jQuery.extend..
How do I modify serialized form data in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5075778/how-do-i-modify-serialized-form-data-in-jquery share improve this question serialize returns a URL encoded string containing the form fields. If you need to append to.. you need to append to it you do so using the standard URL encoded string rules e.g. var values #frmblog .serialize values content.. things. It's a pain to look for content within the URL encoded string so I'd go with the array var values index Get the parameters..
JqGrid forms server validations and custom error messages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5103424/jqgrid-forms-server-validations-and-custom-error-messages inside of the site and the server can return either JSON encoded string response if the error come from throw new WebFaultException..
Convert an image into binary data in javascript [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5420384/convert-an-image-into-binary-data-in-javascript It will return the image in base64 encoding. It will be re encoded though. So you cannot access the original image data. share..
HTML Entity Decode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5796718/html-entity-decode # method post fieldset label for string Enter a html encoded string to decode label input type text name string id string..
Using javascript with the twitter API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671042/using-javascript-with-the-twitter-api You can use one of them. You can add a header with the encoded username and password based on the Basic Auth specs Here is.. 01 http basic authentication using ajax . The base64 is encoded using this library from ostermiller.org .ajax 'url' 'http twitter.com..
jQgrid posting custom data on load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8565848/jqgrid-posting-custom-data-on-load get passed in the url properly as it appears double url encoded. See document .ready function #rpt .jqGrid url ' get.json' postData.. as custom functions to no avail. The form data appears encoded and is not available on the other side via _GET. Any suggestions..
HTML-encoding in JavaScript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1219860/html-encoding-in-javascript-jquery using JavaScript to pull a value out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example input id 'hiddenId' type 'hidden' value 'chalk amp cheese' gets pulled into input type 'text' value 'chalk.. function htmlEncode value create a in memory div set it's inner text which jQuery automatically encodes then grab the encoded contents back out. The div never exists on the page. return ' div ' .text value .html function htmlDecode value return '.. it is never appended to the document. On the htmlEncode function I set the innerText of the element and retrieve the encoded innerHTML on the htmlDecode function I set the innerHTML value of the element and the innerText is retrieved. Check a running..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 .each grid_p.treeReader function i if postdata.hasOwnProperty this delete postdata this decode data if there encoded with autoencode if grid_p.autoencode .each postdata function n v postdata n .jgrid.htmlDecode v TODO some columns could..
Can I return JSON from an .asmx Web Service if the ContentType is not JSON? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670147/can-i-return-json-from-an-asmx-web-service-if-the-contenttype-is-not-json but I want back JSON test1 value1 . This doesn't seem to work because the contentType is application x www form urlencoded not application json charset utf 8 . Can anyone tell me why I can't do this It seems crazy to me that you have to explicitly.. It seems crazy to me that you have to explicitly send JSON to get JSON back yet if you don't use JSON i.e. post urlencoded contenttype then the webservice will return XML. Any insights are greatly appreciated jquery web services json response.contenttype.. json' . In different places you can find as a reason security reason see JSON Hijacking . Probably 'x www form urlencoded' is not your real problem. If you use dataType json the parameters will be also send in the form test1 value1 test2 value2..
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2737525/how-do-i-build-a-json-object-to-send-to-an-ajax-webservice questions 2651091 jquery ajax call to httpget webmethod c not working 2656543#2656543 . The data should be JSON encoded. You should separate encode every input parameter. Because you have only one parameter you should do like following first..
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928371/how-to-filter-the-jqgrid-data-not-using-the-built-in-search-filter-box appended to the url symbols ' ' and ' ' will be added automatically and all special symbols like blanks will be also encoded as usual . The advantages of the usage of postData is usage of functions inside postData parameter allows you to load actual..
Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3259967/sending-displaying-a-base64-encoded-image Displaying a base64 encoded Image I need to send a base64 encoded string to a client. Therefore I'm opening and reading an image file on the server.. Displaying a base64 encoded Image I need to send a base64 encoded string to a client. Therefore I'm opening and reading an image file on the server encode it and send that data along with..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert is the functions defined in http www.json.org js.html . Then the data which will be send to the server will be JSON encoded. Almost the same settings can be used for the delete jQuery.extend jQuery.jgrid.del ajaxDelOptions contentType application..
How do I modify serialized form data in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5075778/how-do-i-modify-serialized-form-data-in-jquery content_val alert values jquery serialization data fckeditor share improve this question serialize returns a URL encoded string containing the form fields. If you need to append to it you do so using the standard URL encoded string rules e.g... returns a URL encoded string containing the form fields. If you need to append to it you do so using the standard URL encoded string rules e.g. var values #frmblog .serialize values content encodeURIComponent content_val The above assumes there will.. a new value I have to update the one already in it That changes things. It's a pain to look for content within the URL encoded string so I'd go with the array var values index Get the parameters as an array values #frmblog .serializeArray Find and..
JqGrid forms server validations and custom error messages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5103424/jqgrid-forms-server-validations-and-custom-error-messages format of the server response . I use ASP.NET MVC with WFC inside of the site and the server can return either JSON encoded string response if the error come from throw new WebFaultException string my error text statusCode which I thrown explicitly..
Convert an image into binary data in javascript [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5420384/convert-an-image-into-binary-data-in-javascript
HTML Entity Decode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5796718/html-entity-decode '#output' .text varTitle return false With the html form action # method post fieldset label for string Enter a html encoded string to decode label input type text name string id string fieldset fieldset input type submit value decode fieldset form..
Using javascript with the twitter API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671042/using-javascript-with-the-twitter-api question There are a few Base64 Encoding tools out there. You can use one of them. You can add a header with the encoded username and password based on the Basic Auth specs Here is a post that does exactly what you want. http www.aswinanand.com.. does exactly what you want. http www.aswinanand.com blog 2009 01 http basic authentication using ajax . The base64 is encoded using this library from ostermiller.org .ajax 'url' 'http twitter.com action ' 'otherSettings' 'othervalues' 'beforeSend'..
jQgrid posting custom data on load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8565848/jqgrid-posting-custom-data-on-load as far as setting the extra data in postData but it doesn't get passed in the url properly as it appears double url encoded. See document .ready function #rpt .jqGrid url ' get.json' postData filter 'form' .serialize datatype json gridview true.. suggested JSON.stringify and serializearray on the form as well as custom functions to no avail. The form data appears encoded and is not available on the other side via _GET. Any suggestions would be great thanks jquery jqgrid share improve this..