jquery Programming Glossary: endangle
raphael.js - converting pie graph to donut graph http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7972347/raphael-js-converting-pie-graph-to-donut-graph with the following code function sector cx cy r startAngle endAngle params console.log params.fill var x1 cx r Math.cos startAngle.. var x1 cx r Math.cos startAngle rad x2 cx r Math.cos endAngle rad y1 cy r Math.sin startAngle rad y2 cy r Math.sin endAngle.. rad y1 cy r Math.sin startAngle rad y2 cy r Math.sin endAngle rad return paper.path M cx cy L x1 y1 A r r 0 endAngle startAngle..
raphael.js - converting pie graph to donut graph http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7972347/raphael-js-converting-pie-graph-to-donut-graph of all the slices . Currently each slice is being created with the following code function sector cx cy r startAngle endAngle params console.log params.fill var x1 cx r Math.cos startAngle rad x2 cx r Math.cos endAngle rad y1 cy r Math.sin startAngle.. sector cx cy r startAngle endAngle params console.log params.fill var x1 cx r Math.cos startAngle rad x2 cx r Math.cos endAngle rad y1 cy r Math.sin startAngle rad y2 cy r Math.sin endAngle rad return paper.path M cx cy L x1 y1 A r r 0 endAngle startAngle.. var x1 cx r Math.cos startAngle rad x2 cx r Math.cos endAngle rad y1 cy r Math.sin startAngle rad y2 cy r Math.sin endAngle rad return paper.path M cx cy L x1 y1 A r r 0 endAngle startAngle 180 0 x2 y2 z .attr params How would I modify this so..