jquery Programming Glossary: emailaddress
need gmail like functionailty - jquery autocomplete to include names and email addresses - in string searching http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1300091/need-gmail-like-functionailty-jquery-autocomplete-to-include-names-and-email-a can search by typing Firs . . . or emailAdd... First Last emailAddress First1 Las1t emailAddress1 First2 Last2 emailAddress2 jquery.. . . . or emailAdd... First Last emailAddress First1 Las1t emailAddress1 First2 Last2 emailAddress2 jquery search autocomplete share.. Last emailAddress First1 Las1t emailAddress1 First2 Last2 emailAddress2 jquery search autocomplete share improve this question ..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid hostname osname cfgDesc productId cfgType updateDate emailAddress absolutePath fileName productVersion converted var myrow cfgId.. hostname hostname cfgType cfgType updateDate updateDate emailAddress emailAddress absolutePath absolutePath fileName fileName productVersion.. cfgType cfgType updateDate updateDate emailAddress emailAddress absolutePath absolutePath fileName fileName productVersion productVersion..
Jquery dialog partial view server side validation on Save button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16245584/jquery-dialog-partial-view-server-side-validation-on-save-button-click lName MiddleName mName FirstName fName userName uName emailAddress email IsActive active UserRole uRole .ajax url '@Url.Action..
Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5733275/chrome-uncaught-syntax-error-unexpected-token-illegal 'name' .capitalize cannot be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_.. blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 . a zA Z0 9_.. 1 25 . a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 .test emailAddress.val errorMsg Not a valid email address. Please enter in a correctly..
Post Nested Object to Spring MVC controller using JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5900840/post-nested-object-to-spring-mvc-controller-using-json var vendor vendorId 123 vendorName ABC Company emails emailAddress abc123@abc.com flags 2 emailAddress xyz@abc.com flags 3 The.. ABC Company emails emailAddress abc123@abc.com flags 2 emailAddress xyz@abc.com flags 3 The UIVendor bean has a field called Emails.. I get this error in the logs Invalid property 'emails 0 emailAddress ' of bean class beans.UIVendor Property referenced in indexed..
.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330384/net-simple-form-submit-via-ajax-and-jquery context.Request optin string strSQL INSERT INTO Emails emailAddress optIn VALUES ' email.ToString ' ' optin.ToString ' SqlConnection.. email optin Request optin string strSQL INSERT INTO Emails emailAddress optIn VALUES ' email.ToString ' optin SqlConnection Conn new.. context.Request optin string strSQL INSERT INTO Emails emailAddress optIn VALUES ' email.ToString ' optin SqlConnection Conn new..
need gmail like functionailty - jquery autocomplete to include names and email addresses - in string searching http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1300091/need-gmail-like-functionailty-jquery-autocomplete-to-include-names-and-email-a entry So the list would look similar to this and the user can search by typing Firs . . . or emailAdd... First Last emailAddress First1 Las1t emailAddress1 First2 Last2 emailAddress2 jquery search autocomplete share improve this question Wait a.. look similar to this and the user can search by typing Firs . . . or emailAdd... First Last emailAddress First1 Las1t emailAddress1 First2 Last2 emailAddress2 jquery search autocomplete share improve this question Wait a second.. Did you look at.. user can search by typing Firs . . . or emailAdd... First Last emailAddress First1 Las1t emailAddress1 First2 Last2 emailAddress2 jquery search autocomplete share improve this question Wait a second.. Did you look at the demo I think it already..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid is added later. add row dynamically function addRow cfgid cfgname hostname osname cfgDesc productId cfgType updateDate emailAddress absolutePath fileName productVersion converted var myrow cfgId cfgid '' '' cfgName cfgname hostname hostname osname osname.. hostname osname osname cfgDesc cfgDesc productId productId hostname hostname cfgType cfgType updateDate updateDate emailAddress emailAddress absolutePath absolutePath fileName fileName productVersion productVersion converted converted #list1 .addRowData.. osname osname cfgDesc cfgDesc productId productId hostname hostname cfgType cfgType updateDate updateDate emailAddress emailAddress absolutePath absolutePath fileName fileName productVersion productVersion converted converted #list1 .addRowData cfgid myrow..
Jquery dialog partial view server side validation on Save button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16245584/jquery-dialog-partial-view-server-side-validation-on-save-button-click .val var active '#chkActive' .val var admin ID id LastName lName MiddleName mName FirstName fName userName uName emailAddress email IsActive active UserRole uRole .ajax url '@Url.Action EditAdmin AdminSearchResult ' type 'POST' dataType 'html' contentType..
Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5733275/chrome-uncaught-syntax-error-unexpected-token-illegal .each function if validField this errorMsg this .attr 'name' .capitalize cannot be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 . a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z.. this errorMsg this .attr 'name' .capitalize cannot be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 . a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 .test emailAddress.val errorMsg.. emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 . a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 .test emailAddress.val errorMsg Not a valid email address. Please enter in a correctly formatted email address errors true if errors alert..
Post Nested Object to Spring MVC controller using JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5900840/post-nested-object-to-spring-mvc-controller-using-json The UIVendor object when viewed in JSON format looks like var vendor vendorId 123 vendorName ABC Company emails emailAddress abc123@abc.com flags 2 emailAddress xyz@abc.com flags 3 The UIVendor bean has a field called Emails of type ArrayList.. in JSON format looks like var vendor vendorId 123 vendorName ABC Company emails emailAddress abc123@abc.com flags 2 emailAddress xyz@abc.com flags 3 The UIVendor bean has a field called Emails of type ArrayList with appropriate setters and getters.. .post ajax saveVendor.do .param vendor saveEntityCallback json I get this error in the logs Invalid property 'emails 0 emailAddress ' of bean class beans.UIVendor Property referenced in indexed property path 'emails 0 emailAddress ' is neither an array..
.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330384/net-simple-form-submit-via-ajax-and-jquery .ToString string email context.Request email optin context.Request optin string strSQL INSERT INTO Emails emailAddress optIn VALUES ' email.ToString ' ' optin.ToString ' SqlConnection Conn new SqlConnection strConnection SqlCommand Command.. ... insertEmail public void inserEmail string email Request email optin Request optin string strSQL INSERT INTO Emails emailAddress optIn VALUES ' email.ToString ' optin SqlConnection Conn new SqlConnection strConnection SqlCommand Command new SqlCommand.. HttpContext context string email context.Request email optin context.Request optin string strSQL INSERT INTO Emails emailAddress optIn VALUES ' email.ToString ' optin SqlConnection Conn new SqlConnection strConnection SqlCommand Command new SqlCommand..