jquery Programming Glossary: email
Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064089/inserting-a-text-where-cursor-is-using-javascript-jquery on a textbox saying 'apple' and he clicks a link saying ' email ' then i want the textbox to say 'apple bob@example.com'. How..
How to generate a simple popup using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1328723/how-to-generate-a-simple-popup-using-jquery mail how can I show a popup window containing a label email and text box jquery css ajax popup share improve this question.. this .addClass selected .pop .slideFadeToggle function #email .focus return false .close .live 'click' function deselect.. method post id new_message action messages p label for email Your email or name label input type text size 30 name email..
close a connection early http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138374/close-a-connection-early or is this something I need to do in JQuery php echo We'll email you as soon as this is done. header Connection Close do some..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti Validate other options rules field1 required true email true field2 required true minlength 5 jQuery for Tooltipster..
jQuery validation: change default error message http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2457032/jquery-validation-change-default-error-message This field is required. remote Please fix this field. email Please enter a valid email address. url Please enter a valid.. remote Please fix this field. email Please enter a valid email address. url Please enter a valid URL. date Please enter a valid..
Regular expression field validation in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/345194/regular-expression-field-validation-in-jquery a given regular expression in a string For example in an email input box I get an email address and want to see if it is in.. in a string For example in an email input box I get an email address and want to see if it is in the correct format. What..
Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5733275/chrome-uncaught-syntax-error-unexpected-token-illegal 'name' .capitalize cannot be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA.. cannot be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA.. blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 . a zA..
Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/699065/submitting-a-form-on-enter-with-jquery 'Enter' with jQuery I have a bog standard login form an email text field a password field and a submit button on an AIR project..
Multiple ajax calls inside a each() function.. then do something once ALL of them are finished? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8726046/multiple-ajax-calls-inside-a-each-function-then-do-something-once-all-of-the '' if # idEmail value '' .length 0 var name this .val var email # idEmail .val Submit the ajax request .ajax type 'POST' .. .ajax type 'POST' url 'ajax url' data name name email email success function json Log a console entry if our ajax.. .ajax type 'POST' url 'ajax url' data name name email email success function json Log a console entry if our ajax request..
Link to another page using Twitter Bootstrap jquery modal in rails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10318949/link-to-another-page-using-twitter-bootstrap-jquery-modal-in-rails modal href #myModal class btn btn primary btn large Launch Email a jquery ruby on rails twitter bootstrap share improve this..
Jquery Validation - Validate several time a field in a hidden area http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10825290/jquery-validation-validate-several-time-a-field-in-a-hidden-area recipient '#box report button.cancel' .click function hideEmailForm adds the email reicpient in DB '#btn report_add' .click.. email you entered is incorrect. else if data.status addEmailRow new_recipient.first new_recipient.last new_recipient.email.. add this email. helper functions function addEmailRow first last email id var new_row ' tr data id ' id ' ' if..
docCookie is not getting saved instantly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11641662/doccookie-is-not-getting-saved-instantly post cssClass text s textfield id email name email label Email address s password name pswd label Password s submit value..
Prevent form redirect OR refresh on submit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263852/prevent-form-redirect-or-refresh-on-submit input id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type text fieldset fieldset.. id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type text fieldset fieldset class.. fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type text fieldset fieldset class noHeight textarea id contactMessage..
Set custom HTML5 required field validation message http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13798313/set-custom-html5-required-field-validation-message i .oninput function e e.target.setCustomValidity Email custom validations I have following HTML form form id myform.. messages I want like.. Required field Please Enter Email Address Wrong Email 'testing@.com' is not a Valid Email Address... like.. Required field Please Enter Email Address Wrong Email 'testing@.com' is not a Valid Email Address. here entered email..
Two $.post requests one after the other.Second $.post request doesn't get executed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17887098/two-post-requests-one-after-the-other-second-post-request-doesnt-get-execut function var a '#eml' .val var b '#pw' .val alert 'Email ' a ' Pass ' b .ajax type POST url yourphpfile.php data.. #1 END mybutt.click END document .ready script head body Email br input type text id eml br Password br input type password..
Email validation using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2507030/email-validation-using-jquery validation using jQuery I'm new to jQuery and was wondering.. You can use regular old javascript for that function IsEmail email var regex ^ a zA Z0 9_. @ a zA Z0 9 . a zA Z0 9 2 4 return..
Disabling submit button until all fields have values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5614399/disabling-submit-button-until-all-fields-have-values br input type text id v_pass_input name v_password br Email br input type text id email name email br input type submit..
Multiple ajax calls inside a each() function.. then do something once ALL of them are finished? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8726046/multiple-ajax-calls-inside-a-each-function-then-do-something-once-all-of-the name friendName1 id friendName1 class friendName value br Email 1 input type text name friendEmail1 id friendEmail1 value br.. friendName value br Email 1 input type text name friendEmail1 id friendEmail1 value br br Friend 2 Name 2 input type text.. br Email 1 input type text name friendEmail1 id friendEmail1 value br br Friend 2 Name 2 input type text name friendName2..
JQuery Event Handlers - What's the “Best” method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9730277/jquery-event-handlers-whats-the-best-method tr th First Name th th Last Name th th Date of Birth th th Email th th password th th th tr ko foreach Customers tr td data bind.. td td data bind text DateOfBirth td td data bind text Email td td data bind text Pwd td td a class tag open a td tr ko..
Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064089/inserting-a-text-where-cursor-is-using-javascript-jquery which has the focus. For example if the cursor focus is on a textbox saying 'apple' and he clicks a link saying ' email ' then i want the textbox to say 'apple bob@example.com'. How can I do this Is this even possible since what if the focus..
How to generate a simple popup using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1328723/how-to-generate-a-simple-popup-using-jquery am designing a web page. When we click the content of div named mail how can I show a popup window containing a label email and text box jquery css ajax popup share improve this question Something this simple doesn't need a plugin. This might.. 'click' function if this .hasClass selected deselect else this .addClass selected .pop .slideFadeToggle function #email .focus return false .close .live 'click' function deselect return false .fn.slideFadeToggle function easing callback.. callback And finally the html div class messagepop pop form method post id new_message action messages p label for email Your email or name label input type text size 30 name email id email p p label for body Message label textarea rows 6 name..
close a connection early http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138374/close-a-connection-early with output buffering neither seems to work. Any guesses or is this something I need to do in JQuery php echo We'll email you as soon as this is done. header Connection Close do some stuff that will take a while mail 'dude@thatplace.com' okay..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti document .ready function '#myform' .validate initialize jQuery Validate other options rules field1 required true email true field2 required true minlength 5 jQuery for Tooltipster plugin document .ready function '.tooltip' .tooltipster..
jQuery validation: change default error message http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2457032/jquery-validation-change-default-error-message edit at will jQuery.extend jQuery.validator.messages required This field is required. remote Please fix this field. email Please enter a valid email address. url Please enter a valid URL. date Please enter a valid date. dateISO Please enter a.. jQuery.validator.messages required This field is required. remote Please fix this field. email Please enter a valid email address. url Please enter a valid URL. date Please enter a valid date. dateISO Please enter a valid date ISO . number Please..
Regular expression field validation in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/345194/regular-expression-field-validation-in-jquery In jQuery is there a function plugin which I can use to match a given regular expression in a string For example in an email input box I get an email address and want to see if it is in the correct format. What jQuery function should I use to see.. plugin which I can use to match a given regular expression in a string For example in an email input box I get an email address and want to see if it is in the correct format. What jQuery function should I use to see if my validating regular..
Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5733275/chrome-uncaught-syntax-error-unexpected-token-illegal .each function if validField this errorMsg this .attr 'name' .capitalize cannot be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 . a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . ... function if validField this errorMsg this .attr 'name' .capitalize cannot be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 . a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25.. this errorMsg this .attr 'name' .capitalize cannot be blank n errors true var emailAddress '#email' if isValid emailAddress ^ a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 . a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9_ . . a zA Z 2 5 1 25 .test emailAddress.val..
Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/699065/submitting-a-form-on-enter-with-jquery a form on 'Enter' with jQuery I have a bog standard login form an email text field a password field and a submit button on an AIR project that's using HTML jQuery. When I hit Enter on the form..
Multiple ajax calls inside a each() function.. then do something once ALL of them are finished? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8726046/multiple-ajax-calls-inside-a-each-function-then-do-something-once-all-of-the idEmail 'friendEmail' this .attr id .replace 'friendName' '' if # idEmail value '' .length 0 var name this .val var email # idEmail .val Submit the ajax request .ajax type 'POST' url 'ajax url' data name name email email success function.. name this .val var email # idEmail .val Submit the ajax request .ajax type 'POST' url 'ajax url' data name name email email success function json Log a console entry if our ajax request was successful console.log name was submitted via.. .val var email # idEmail .val Submit the ajax request .ajax type 'POST' url 'ajax url' data name name email email success function json Log a console entry if our ajax request was successful console.log name was submitted via ajax..
Link to another page using Twitter Bootstrap jquery modal in rails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10318949/link-to-another-page-using-twitter-bootstrap-jquery-modal-in-rails the contents of the above page in the modal. a data toggle modal href #myModal class btn btn primary btn large Launch Email a jquery ruby on rails twitter bootstrap share improve this question OK so the trick here is that the other page is..
Jquery Validation - Validate several time a field in a hidden area http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10825290/jquery-validation-validate-several-time-a-field-in-a-hidden-area emails hides the form to enter information for a new recipient '#box report button.cancel' .click function hideEmailForm adds the email reicpient in DB '#btn report_add' .click function e e.preventDefault Validate new email form #weeklyReportsForm.. function data if data.email fail alert It seems that the email you entered is incorrect. else if data.status addEmailRow new_recipient.first new_recipient.last new_recipient.email data.id else alert Oops we couldn't add this email. .. new_recipient.email data.id else alert Oops we couldn't add this email. helper functions function addEmailRow first last email id var new_row ' tr data id ' id ' ' if id new_row ' td ' first ' input type hidden name recipients..
docCookie is not getting saved instantly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11641662/doccookie-is-not-getting-saved-instantly id login name login onsubmit return save action login method post cssClass text s textfield id email name email label Email address s password name pswd label Password s submit value Login s form script on login.jsp function save var email..
Prevent form redirect OR refresh on submit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263852/prevent-form-redirect-or-refresh-on-submit form form id contactForm fieldset label for Name Name label input id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type text fieldset fieldset class noHeight textarea id contactMessage cols 20 textarea.. id contactForm fieldset label for Name Name label input id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type text fieldset fieldset class noHeight textarea id contactMessage cols 20 textarea input.. label for Name Name label input id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type text fieldset fieldset class noHeight textarea id contactMessage cols 20 textarea input id contactSend class submit..
Set custom HTML5 required field validation message http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13798313/set-custom-html5-required-field-validation-message Please enter Room Topic Title elements i .oninput function e e.target.setCustomValidity Email custom validations I have following HTML form form id myform input id email name email type email input type submit form.. id email name email type email input type submit form Validation messages I want like.. Required field Please Enter Email Address Wrong Email 'testing@.com' is not a Valid Email Address. here entered email address displayed in textbox I have.. type email input type submit form Validation messages I want like.. Required field Please Enter Email Address Wrong Email 'testing@.com' is not a Valid Email Address. here entered email address displayed in textbox I have tried this.. function..
Two $.post requests one after the other.Second $.post request doesn't get executed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17887098/two-post-requests-one-after-the-other-second-post-request-doesnt-get-execut document .ready function '#eml' .focus '#mybutt' .click function var a '#eml' .val var b '#pw' .val alert 'Email ' a ' Pass ' b .ajax type POST url yourphpfile.php data 'email ' a ' pass ' b success function data alert data var.. success_ajax2 END ajax #2 END success_ajax1 END ajax #1 END mybutt.click END document .ready script head body Email br input type text id eml br Password br input type password id pw br input type button id mybutt value Submit body html..
Email validation using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2507030/email-validation-using-jquery validation using jQuery I'm new to jQuery and was wondering how to use it to validate email addresses. jquery validation..
Disabling submit button until all fields have values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5614399/disabling-submit-button-until-all-fields-have-values input type text id pass_input name password br Confirm Password br input type text id v_pass_input name v_password br Email br input type text id email name email br input type submit id register value Register form div id test div body html ..
Multiple ajax calls inside a each() function.. then do something once ALL of them are finished? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8726046/multiple-ajax-calls-inside-a-each-function-then-do-something-once-all-of-the have . HTML form id form Friend 1 Name 1 input type text name friendName1 id friendName1 class friendName value br Email 1 input type text name friendEmail1 id friendEmail1 value br br Friend 2 Name 2 input type text name friendName2 id friendName2.. 1 Name 1 input type text name friendName1 id friendName1 class friendName value br Email 1 input type text name friendEmail1 id friendEmail1 value br br Friend 2 Name 2 input type text name friendName2 id friendName2 class friendName value br Email.. type text name friendName1 id friendName1 class friendName value br Email 1 input type text name friendEmail1 id friendEmail1 value br br Friend 2 Name 2 input type text name friendName2 id friendName2 class friendName value br Email 2 input type..
JQuery Event Handlers - What's the “Best” method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9730277/jquery-event-handlers-whats-the-best-method h1 div class icoX X div div class box liner10 table tr th First Name th th Last Name th th Date of Birth th th Email th th password th th th tr ko foreach Customers tr td data bind text FirstName td td data bind text LastName td td data.. tr td data bind text FirstName td td data bind text LastName td td data bind text DateOfBirth td td data bind text Email td td data bind text Pwd td td a class tag open a td tr ko table div div jquery jquery events share improve this question..