javascript Programming Glossary: getcookie
Javascript get cookie by name into seperate values and puts it in an array. function getCookie1 What do I have to add here to look only in the obligations.. which avoids iterating over an array would be function getCookie name var value document.cookie var parts value.split name if..
I have to refresh the page for my Greasemonkey script to run? load addLinks false else if page if getCookie updater null var d new Date setCookie updater d.getTime 1 try.. 'GET' url 'http downloads jobAids.user.js v' getCookie updater headers 'Cache Control' 'no cache' onload function.. exdate.toUTCString document.cookie c_name c_value function getCookie c_name var i x y ARRcookies document.cookie.split for i 0 i..
Javascript getCookie functions getCookie functions I found two functions to get cookie data with Javascript.. some browsers splitting the semicolon w3schools function getCookie c_name if document.cookie.length 0 c_start document.cookie.indexOf.. this a i thisArg this i return a function getCookies var c document.cookie v 0 cookies if document.cookie.match..
Getting setting cookies on different domains, with javascript or other procedure created the iframe that loaded doAjax getCookie and that would do an ajax call to say getCookie which.. getCookie and that would do an ajax call to say getCookie which would read the cookie info on and return it.. javascript newfile.setAttribute src 'http doAjax getCookie callback passCookie' document.getElementsByTagName head 0 .appendChild..
Javascript communication between browser tabs/windows disabled form script type text javascript function getCookie var cname cookie msg test var ca document.cookie.split ' ' for.. c.length return null function updateMessage var text getCookie document.forms 'receiver' .elements 'message' .value text setTimeout..
How do I create and read a value from cookie? expires document.cookie name value expires path function getCookie c_name if document.cookie.length 0 c_start document.cookie.indexOf..