javascript Programming Glossary: gesture
JavaScript DOM changes in touchmove delayed until scroll ends on mobile Safari queue up all DOM manipulation until the end of a scroll or gesture. Effectively the DOM is frozen during a scroll. I thought I..
Simplest way to detect a pinch on iOS. Problem is every plugin or method I see for doing gestures or multi touch events is usually with jQuery and is a whole.. with jQuery and is a whole additional pluggin for every gesture under the sun. My application is huge and I am very sensitive.. safari share improve this question You want to use the gesturestart gesturechange and gestureend events . These get triggered..
Eliminate 300ms delay on click events in mobile Safari for Android However on iOS Safari double tap is a scroll gesture on unzoomable pages. For that reason they can't remove the 300ms.. on unzoomable pages but they don't have an alternative gesture like iOS so it's possible for them to remove this delay as Chrome..
iOS 6 js events function not called if has setTimeout in it the timer to fire once or twice but it required a weird gesture scroll event that was damn near impossible to consistently reproduce...
Windows phone 8 touch support the touchmove events to use for their interface as a swipe gesture. Does windows phone 8 browser do anything like that Can anyone.. 9 in IE10. IE9 has no way to override the default panning gesture. IE10's 10 mode has a new CSS property ms content zooming none.. indicate which areas of the page will have custom gesture handling using the code you just added and which will use default..
How to find (in javascript) the current “scroll” offset in mobile safari / iphone page that happens after you release your finger if your gesture was to flick the page up down. Namely it'll give me a point..
Prefered Alternative to OnMouseOver for touch touchcancel . Webkit on the iPhone iPad etc has additional gesture start move end events that are Apple specific. Higher level..