javascript Programming Glossary: generic
Object comparison in JavaScript [duplicate] for following objects x a 1 b 2 y b 2 a 1 2 Slow and more generic. Compares objects without digging into prototypes then compares..
How to move cursor to end of contenteditable entity last element eventually nested. EDIT In order to be more generic the while statement should consider also all the other tags..
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON node return node var first_leaf getLeaf root DEMO A more generic way to access a nested data structure with unknown keys and..
'innerText' works in IE, but not in Firefox Is there some Firefox equivalent Or is there a more generic cross browser property that can be used javascript internet..
Get computed font size for DOM element in JS font size of a DOM element taking into consideration generic settings made elsewhere In the body tag for example inherited..
How do you determine equality for two JavaScript objects? The short answer The simple answer is no there is no generic means to determine that an object is equal to another in the..
Get all Attributes from a HTML element with Javascript/jQuery jquery but how the amount of attributes and the names are generic. Thanks Btw I can't access the element with document.getelementbyid..
Javascript: Collision detection For example you can break the whole area into cells like a generic table and store the appropriate object that are contained within..
How Does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work? your app needs. I'm using the word symbol in a semi generic way since it's a little different based on the language. In..
How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own? a shortcut for onbeforeunload so you'd have to use the generic bind syntax. window .bind 'beforeunload' function share improve..
JavaScript unit test tools for TDD and jQuery Mobile projects and is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code QUnit shares some history with TestSwarm above..
How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript? you can use Object.prototype.toString the low level and generic implementation of toString to get the type for all built in..
Javascript MIME Type laid down by the language type itself rather than just the generic charset parameter. A subtype of text should be capable of being..
how to get GET and POST variables with JQuery? the built in json_encode function. Update Here's a more generic implementation function getQueryParams qs qs qs.split .join..
Javascript global variables as window and is a DOM window object rather than just a generic object as it would be on non browser implementations . The symbol..
Set cursor position in html textbox with it. Anyways that is how I got around to creating this generic function that will allow you to insert the caret at any position..
jQuery .find() doesn't return data in IE but does in Firefox and Chrome doesn't pass it as a parameter so you need to add a generic ajaxComplete or ajaxSuccess event handler. The second parameter..
addEventListener vs onclick different browser implementations of DOM level 2 events in generic models so you can write cross browser compliant code without..
How to make a browser to browser (peer to peer) connection? [closed] separates a Peer to peer Data API to send and receive generic application data String ArrayBuffer and Blob . Chromium wants..
Sort Javascript Object Array By Date b a new Date b new Date return a b 1 a b 1 0 Generic Powerful Answer Define a custom non enumerable sortBy function..
Inserting large quantities in IndexedDB's objectstore blocks UI event var db openRequest.result db.onerror function event Generic error handler for all errors targeted at this database's requests..
Binding a Backbone Model to a Marionette ItemView - blocking .fetch()? here is how I would approach the problem and solution. A Generic Problem Solution Here's a generic version of the problem You..
Accessing iframe from chrome extension ... ' document.head.appendChild s Generic solution The generic solution is using all_frames true in the..
What questions should a JavaScript programmer be able to answer? [closed] knowledge javascript share improve this question Generic Do you use any libraries If so which ones and why do you like..
hasOwnProperty in javascript in javascript function Shape Generic this.draw function return Drawing Shape function welcomeMessage..
Javascript onHover event clearTimeout hoverTimer function tester alert 'hi' Generic event abstractor function addEvent obj evt fn if 'undefined'..
jQuery - disable input field based on another field selected value http @license Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 Generic @link http licenses by sa 2.5 .fn.dependsOn..
How trustworthy is javascript's random implementation in various browsers? are using a cryptographic pseudo random number generator. Generic random functions generally don't use cryptographically strong..
Twitter OAuth authentication in javascript pages auth My code Javascript Unix time var foo new Date Generic JS date object var unixtime_ms foo.getTime Returns milliseconds..
Quick resource to learn more about all the JS height's guess what they do but I'd like a formal detailed guide... Generic googling hasn't helped any good sources I could use Answers..
Chrome extension: how to pass ArrayBuffer or Blob from content script to the background without losing its type? your case data new Uint8Array xhr.response ... Generic example var example new ArrayBuffer 10 var data Create a view..