javascript Programming Glossary: getattribute
Why aren't some technically serializable input properties serializable? it will be reflected in serialization queries such as getAttribute and you can see the changes in DOM Inspector When you get the..
How to get “raw” href contents in JavaScript
Do HTML5 custom data attributes ?śwork??in IE 6? can retrieve values of custom or your own attributes using getAttribute . Following your example with div id geoff data geoff geoff.. using var geoff document.getElementById geoff alert geoff.getAttribute data geoff See MSDN . And although it is mentioned there that..
getElementsByName in IE7 but that is the reality of it. So one option is to use the getAttribute DOM method to ask for the NAME attribute and then test the value..
When to use setAttribute vs .attribute= in JavaScript? different types of attributes think onload correctly. Use getAttribute setAttribute when you wish to deal with the DOM as it is e.g...
When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery? replace el .attr 'someName' with Above was poorly worded. getAttribute is not a replacement but it does retrieve the value of an attribute.. of covered it. See this answer for a better treatment. el.getAttribute 'someName' order to access an attribute directly. Note..
Getting an absolute URL from a relative one. (IE6 issue) returning the relative URL still It does the same if I use getAttribute 'href' . The only way I've been able to get a qualified URL..
How can I make event.srcElement work in Firefox and what does it mean? one web page imcompatible with firefox if event.srcElement.getAttribute onclick null ...code.. document.mainForm.submit I've commented.. with forefox. My question is what is event.srcElement.getAttribute onclick is it important would it cause problems in the future... var target event.srcElement if onclick null document.mainForm.displayRDManagerPT.value true..
.prop() vs .attr() function prop . selector .click function instead of this.getAttribute 'style' do i use this .prop 'style' or this .attr 'style' or.. http maniator JpUF2 The console logs the getAttribute as a string and the attr as a string but the prop as a CSSStyleDeclaration..
javascript dom, how to handle “special properties” as versus attributes? point . Likewise value and defaultValue . setAttribute and getAttribute are broken in older versions of IE . Special cases Attributes.. to its name it's safer to use setAttribute and getAttribute to obtain properties of the form such as action name and method.. properties on the DOM element object so setAttribute and getAttribute should be used. One final consideration is that there is not..
Scripting <path> data in SVG (reading and modifying) as a string through the standard DOM Level 1 Core method getAttribute or you can use the SVG DOM objects and methods . Let's look.. methods . Let's look at both Accessing path data through getAttribute Using getAttribute returns the same string as you would see.. at both Accessing path data through getAttribute Using getAttribute returns the same string as you would see when you view source..
Converting user input string to regular expression of a textbox you have to use textbox.value and not textbox.getAttribute value . Is this because the XML getAttribute is looking for.. not textbox.getAttribute value . Is this because the XML getAttribute is looking for an attribute in the code and not getting the..
What is my script src URL? ubiquitous standard that is but alternatively you can use getAttribute src which will return whatever raw attribute value is in the.. 'script' script scripts scripts.length 1 if script.getAttribute.length undefined return script.src return script.getAttribute.. undefined return script.src return script.getAttribute 'src' 1 Or As it appears in source eg js main.js var scriptSource..