java Programming Glossary: super.ondestroy
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results update @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy sensorManager.unregisterListener mAccelerometerListener sensorManager.unregisterListener..
Why do we have to call super in Android sometimes? 41795860 #1 id 0x7f070002 did not call through to super.onDestroy Why are we forced to call super.method It makes sense that there..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything protected void onDestroy TODO Auto generated method stub super.onDestroy @Override public SeasonPicker getSeasonPicker return new SeasonPicker..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items end onCreate @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy for UpdateItem item lookupDb.getUpdateItems item.getDatabase..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException t new Thread r t.start @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy mp1.stop mp2.stop @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent..
Android “single top” launch mode and onNewIntent method on @Override public void onDestroy Log.i TAG onDestroy super.onDestroy Same for onRestart onStart onResume onPause onDestroy If the..
Create an incrementing timer in seconds in 00:00 format? SystemClock.elapsedRealtime stopWatch.getBase super.onDestroy The above compiles and runs but the TextView never increments..
clear application defaults a hidden sequence to trigger the close of the application super.onDestroy this.finish but it just opens back up because i have set it..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? @Override public void onDestroy Measurements.clear super.onDestroy try SendDataThread.stop catch Exception e ... private Runnable..
Service does not restart after “Clear Memory” + appWidget crashes startId @Override public void onDestroy unregisterObserver super.onDestroy @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent return null Start..
how can i select and kill multiple application @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy getApplicationContext .unregisterReceiver receiver public void.. tol.add to return tol @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy getApplicationContext .unregisterReceiver receiver public void..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps protected void onDestroy TODO Auto generated method stub super.onDestroy locationManager.removeUpdates locationListener public void setCriteria..