

java Programming Glossary: summaryl

Open WIth dialog in Java


javadoc jdic org jdesktop jdic filetypes package summary.html Provides classes for associating applications with file types..

Deploy java web service without using web server


jre api net httpserver spec com sun net httpserver package summary.html You'll need to write your own code for parsing request data..

How do I interact with OData from Java?


snapshot jee ext org restlet ext odata package summary.html Is this the only answer Are there blog posts on doing this integration..

What version of Apache HTTP Client is bundled in Android 1.6?


reference org apache http client package summary.html Does anybody know what version of Apache HTTP Client this is..

Send email using java


products javamail javadocs com sun mail smtp package summary.html http forum.java.sun.com thread.jspa threadID 5205249 smtpsend.java..

Android schema validation


reference javax xml validation package summary.html . According to the documentation javax.xml.validation is supported..