

java Programming Glossary: sup

JFreeChart XYSplineRenderer Demo


. All the demos are included with the developer guide sup which I recommend highly. If you want to assay an example of.. ChartFactory . It looks like they all take an XYDataset . sup Disclaimer Not affiliated with Object Refinery Limited just..

Subscript and Superscript a String in Android


in Android How can you print a string with a subscript or superscript Can you do this without an external library I want this.. to display in a TextView in Android. java android string superscript subscript share improve this question TextView findViewById.. TextView findViewById R.id.text .setText Html.fromHtml X sup 2 sup or http developer.android.com intl zh TW guide appendix..

How to rendering fraction in Swing JComponents


StringBuilder sb.append html body sb.append w sb.append sup sb.append n sb.append sup sb.append font size 1 font size 1.. html body sb.append w sb.append sup sb.append n sb.append sup sb.append font size 1 font size 1 sb.append sub sb.append d..

Covariance, Invariance and Contravariance explained in plain English?


where subtyping matters is overriding. Consider Super sup new Sub Number n sup.method 1 where class Super Number method.. matters is overriding. Consider Super sup new Sub Number n sup.method 1 where class Super Number method Number n ... class.. the method parameter of the overriding method must be a supertype of the method parameter of the overridden method and the..