

java Programming Glossary: super.replace

Restricting JTextField input to Integers


sb.replace offset offset length text if test sb.toString super.replace fb offset length text attrs else warn the user and don't allow..

JTextField limiting character amount input and accepting numeric only


throws BadLocationException if accept fb offset text super.replace fb offset length text attrs public boolean isNumeric String.. .getLength str.length length maxCharacters super.replace fb offs length str a else Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .beep..

Limit the Characters in the text field using document listner


fb.getDocument .getLength str.length length maxCharacters super.replace fb offs length str a else Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .beep Create..

jTextField accept only alphabet and white space


c c ' ' if its an alphabetic character or white space super.replace fb i i1 String.valueOf c as allow update to take place for the..

How to Auto Calculate input numeric values of Text Field in JAVA


as throws BadLocationException if isDigit string super.replace fb i i1 string as calcAndSetTotal private boolean isDigit..

java change the document in DocumentListener


attrs throws BadLocationException String match test super.replace fb offset length text attrs int startIndex offset match.length..

Set hilighting color in jTextField


attrs throws BadLocationException String match and super.replace fb offset length text attrs int startIndex offset match.length..

How to restrict the JTextField to a x number of characters


offset offset length text if verifyText sb.toString super.replace fb offset length text attrs @Override public void remove FilterBypass..

Using DocumentFilter.FilterBypass


void replaceUpdate int offset int length String text try super.replace byPass offset length text null catch BadLocationException ex..

Get a key from JTextArea


text text.replaceAll TODO must do something here super.replace fb offset length text attrs textArea.getDocument .addDocumentListener..

How to allow introducing only digits in jTextField? [duplicate]


i isValidInteger false break if isValidInteger super.replace fp offset length string aset else Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit..

Consume typed key by implements KeyBindings


attrs throws BadLocationException if unlocked super.replace fb offset length text attrs else sb.append text unlocked..

Make JSpinner only read numbers but also detect backspace


BadLocationException if stringContainsOnlyDigits text super.replace fb offset length text attrs private boolean stringContainsOnlyDigits..