

java Programming Glossary: super.paintcomponent

Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface


setVisible true public void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.drawImage imageGui 0 0 imageGui.getWidth null imageGui.getHeight..

JComponents not showing up with picture background?


goes. Here we will draw the image. Here the first line super.paintComponent ... means we want the JPanel to be drawn the usual Java way.. order to overcome the hassle assoicated with this contract super.paintComponent g is used since it adheres to the rules and performs the same.. ... . @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.drawImage image 0 0 this Here is the code when using JLabel..

Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image


void paintComponent Graphics g paint background image super.paintComponent g g.drawImage img 0 0 getWidth getHeight this g.drawImage img.. dScale @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g double scaleFactor Math.min 1d getScaleFactorToFit new Dimension..

Program not accessing method paintComponent() of extended JPanel class


@Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g System.out.println . if byteArray null image getGrayscaleImageFromArray..

Java Bouncing Ball


vy yvelocity protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D g g2.setRenderingHint RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING.. this .start protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D g int x getX int y getY g2.setRenderingHint.. 255 @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g.create g2d.setRenderingHint RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING..

Swing animation running extremely slow


@Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.setRenderingHint RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING..

Using Graphics2D to overlay text on a BufferedImage and return a BufferedImage


img @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.drawImage image 0 0 null private static void create JFrame..

Java Swing: how to add an image to a JPanel?


@Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.drawImage image 0 0 null see javadoc for more info on the..

How to rotate an image gradually in Swing?


this.getPath public void paintComponent Graphics comp super.paintComponent comp Graphics2D comp2D Graphics2D comp BasicStroke pen new.. @Override public void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.translate this.getWidth 2..

Java - Transparent JScrollPane


6 TILE @Override public void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.setColor Color.blue g.fillRect TILE TILE 3 TILE 3 TILE .. TILE @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.setColor Color.lightGray int w this.getWidth TILE 1 int..

Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows


@Override public void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.drawImage image 0 0 null private class ClearAction extends..

Draw a line in a JPanel with button click in Java


@Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.setColor Color.blue g2d.setRenderingHint..

How Do I Use KeyEventDispatcher


@Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g if bkgrndImage null g.drawImage bkgrndImage 0 0 null if..