

java Programming Glossary: super.add

Can java call parent overridden method in other objects but not subtype?


validated item to the collection which it would do with super.add . Note that for the same reason of encapuslation you can only..

slide effect with JPanel


0 oldComponent comps 0 if oldComponent comp return super.add comp if oldComponent null putLayer JComponent oldComponent.. JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER Component returnResult super.add comp putLayer JComponent comp JLayeredPane.DRAG_LAYER comp.setSize..

How does one properly handle keypresses and repainting of a JComponent in the context of moving a ball around a screen?


this.DEFAULT_HEIGHT super.setResizable false super.add new BallComponent super.setVisible true super.setFocusable true..

Does adding a JLabel to a JPanel “hide” the JPanel?


Component add Component c chessPiece JLabel c return super.add c @Override public void remove Component comp chessPiece null..

Size-limited queue that holds last N elements in Java


limit this.limit limit @Override public boolean add E o super.add o while size limit super.remove return true As far as I see..

ArrayList Vs LinkedList


LinkedList public void add Object o Thread.sleep 10000 super.add o I suspect in your case ArrayList is performing well because..

Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java?


Item item if item.isRed throw new NotRedItemException super.add item public class BigRedItems extends RedItems @Override public.. Item item if item.isBig throw new NotBigItemException super.add item That's fine RedItems can always be confident that the.. are all red. Now suppose we were able to call super.super.add public class NaughtyItems extends RedItems @Override public..

How to create immutable objects in Java?


int field2 super field1 field2 public int add return super.add field3 This especially becomes a problem in Dependency Injection..

Is there a PriorityQueue implementation with fixed capacity and custom comparator?


full add element and decrement elementsLeft boolean added super.add e if added elementsLeft return added else there is already.. queue pull the least and add new one to queue pollFirst super.add e return true else new element is less than the least in..