

java Programming Glossary: super.insertstring

Restricting JTextField input to Integers


doc.getLength sb.insert offset string if test sb.toString super.insertString fb offset string attr else warn the user and don't allow the..

JTextField limiting character amount input and accepting numeric only


str.length limit if toUppercase str str.toUpperCase super.insertString offset str attr can be implemented by txtSample.setDocument.. a negative sign Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .beep return super.insertString offset str attr return public static class StringFormat public.. as throws BadLocationException if accept fb offset str super.insertString fb offset str as @Override public void replace DocumentFilter.FilterBypass..

Limit the Characters in the text field using document listner


if fb.getDocument .getLength str.length maxCharacters super.insertString fb offs str a else Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .beep public void..

jTextField accept only alphabet and white space


How to Auto Calculate input numeric values of Text Field in JAVA


as throws BadLocationException if isDigit string super.insertString fb i string as calcAndSetTotal @Override public void remove..

java change the document in DocumentListener


throws BadLocationException System.out.println insert super.insertString fb offset text attr @Override public void remove FilterBypass..

Set hilighting color in jTextField


String text AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException super.insertString fb offset text attr @Override public void remove FilterBypass..

How To limit the number of characters in JTextField?


if str null return if getLength str.length limit super.insertString offset str attr Then import java.awt. import javax.swing. public..

How to limit JTextArea max Rows and Coloums?


str if lineCount root.getElementCount maxLines super.insertString offs str attribute else Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .beep get.. str StringUtils.occurs getText 0 getLength EOL maxLines 1 super.insertString offs str attribute Where the StringUtils.occurs method is as..

How to restrict the JTextField to a x number of characters


helper offset offset if getLength str.length limit super.insertString offset str attr java swing jtextfield share improve this.. oldText sb.insert offset string if verifyText sb.toString super.insertString fb offset string attr @Override public void replace FilterBypass..

Using DocumentFilter.FilterBypass


att throws BadLocationException byPass fb some stuff here super.insertString fb offset string att But this is causing me some problems. Can.. if filter text text.replaceAll REMOVE_REGEX super.insertString fb offset text attr @Override public void replace FilterBypass..

Get a key from JTextArea


throws BadLocationException string string.replaceAll super.insertString fb offset string attr @Override public void replace FilterBypass..

How to allow introducing only digits in jTextField? [duplicate]


i isValidInteger false break if isValidInteger super.insertString fp offset string aset else Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .beep @Override..

Make JSpinner only read numbers but also detect backspace


BadLocationException if stringContainsOnlyDigits string super.insertString fb offset string attr @Override public void remove FilterBypass..