

java Programming Glossary: suite.class

JUnit and junit.framework.TestSuite - No runnable methods


import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses @RunWith value Suite.class @SuiteClasses value TestCase.class public class AllTests TestCase..

JUnit 4 @BeforeClass & @AfterClass when using Suites


is executed not when the Suite is started @RunWith Suite.class @Suite.SuiteClasses MyTests.class Mytests2.class n1 n2 n public.. void test2 System.out.println MyTests2.test2 @RunWith Suite.class @Suite.SuiteClasses MyTests1.class MyTests2.class public class..

JUnit 4: Set up things in a test suite before tests are run (like a test's @BeforeClass method, just for a test suite)


import org.junit.runner.RunWith @RunWith Suite.class @Suite.SuiteClasses RuleTest.class public class RuleSuite private..

Junit4 Test Suites


import org.junit.runner.RunWith @RunWith Suite.class @Suite.SuiteClasses TestClass1.class TestClass2.class public..

TestSuite Setup in jUnit 4


for a suite of test cases in jUnit 4 I.e. @RunWith Suite.class @Suite.SuiteClasses Test1.class Test2.class public class MyTestSuite.. import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses @RunWith Suite.class @SuiteClasses TestSuite1.class TestSuite2.class public class.. import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses @RunWith value Suite.class @SuiteClasses value TestCase1.class public class TestSuite1..

Has JUnit4 begun supporting ordering of test? Is it intentional?


4 and came across suite way of executing test @RunWith Suite.class @Suite.SuiteClasses CreateNewProfile.class EditProfile.class..

Before and After Suite execution hook in jUnit 4.x


import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses @RunWith Suite.class @SuiteClasses Test1.class Test2.class public class TestSuite..