

java Programming Glossary: superior

How to compare two Dates without the time portion?


java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar . It's a thoroughly superior API. If you're doing anything significant with dates times you..

Have you ever used Phantom reference in any project?


allways used together with the Reference queue are superior to finalize which has some problems and should therefore be..

Using and testing web services in Eclipse


IMHO soapUI which is available as an eclipse plugin and is superior by far to any other tool I've used. To use web services it's..

Should I initialize variable within constructor or outside constructor [duplicate]


find the second style declaration initialization in one go superior. Reasons It makes it clear at a glance how the variable is initialized...

Java's Virtual Machine and CLR


about ten years now. But in my opinion the CLR is now the superior implementation in almost every way. share improve this answer..

.Net vs Java Garbage Collector


following do not assume that the .Net one was in some way superior because it included functionality from the beginning it is simply..

Java -> Python?


Python a lot more. But as a language I think Python is superior for most things I find myself needing to accomplish. share..

Why using XML to create GUI is a good practice in Android


in the sense of Android why using XML to build GUI is more superior than bare Java code If GUI programming through XML is really..

Java Regex Helper


Greek p sc Greek p IsGreek or p Greek . This is inherently superior to the old clunky block properties. It means you can do things..

The art of programming: Java vs C# [closed]


side. Java treating enums as objects with behaviour is far superior imho I know this will be controversial better IDEs particularly.. IMHO the Java 5 concurrency utils package is still superior to any sort of concurrency tools that I've seen in C# to date..

Differences between JVM implementations


years. Once upon a time the IBM and JRockit JVM's had far superior performance to the reference Sun implementation. This was due..

How do I use a java.util.Set with UIData in JSF. Specifically h:datatable?


issue for people using JPA and JSF since Sets are the superior collection when mapping M2M O2M relationships. I know I need..