java Programming Glossary: solved - Recreating directory structure I ran into a lot of problems most of which I solved. Now that I finally get some output I struggle with getting..
Java HTTPS client certificate authentication files I've used to manage to get my particular problem s solved The client's keystore is a PKCS#12 format file containing The..
How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields javax.faces.component.UIComponent` . UPDATE This is how I solved this. Any feedback comments appreciated I updated my
How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex? 1 aaa bbb aaaaabbb 1 aaa bbb # Hurrahh Voil Problem solved We are now counting properly exactly the way we want it to Lesson..
Java Timer vs ExecutorService? class and ran into any issues which the ExecutorService solved for them. java timer scheduled tasks scheduling executorservice..
Why are local variables not initialized in Java? example would have been null . That wouldn't really have solved anything. Instead of getting a compile time error in the finally..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] ORIGINAL It looks like the creator of this question solved this problem and posted some interesting stuff about it to the..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] in my workspace. I did experience this issue before and solved it once by removing the project form my workspace and re importing.. form my workspace and re importing it and another time I solved it by removing Java Builder from my java build path. None seem..
Is System.nanoTime() completely useless? does include a remark that Linux has encountered and solved the same problem in the same way with a link to the FAQ for..
How do synchronized static methods work in Java?
Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java? I read this question and thought that would easily be solved not that it isn't solvable without if one could write @Override..
Solving a “communications link failure” with jdbc and mysql them there is at least on person who his problem has been solved with that solution. point For the solutions that you need to.. suggest you to try them. Because there are some people how solved their problem with following these steps. But what solved my.. solved their problem with following these steps. But what solved my problem My problem was that I had many SELECTs on database...
Dynamically Add Components to a JDialog than being in the bounds of my dialog just a guess . I solved this problem with label.setBounds so that it showed exactly..
How do I simulate a buffered peripheral device with SwingWorker? to fill the buffer. Removing the pre fetch call at B solved that. So I think spawning a SwingWorker thread for every read..
How to generate exceptions from RepaintManager two posts by Alexander Potochkin but seems to nothing solved my issues java swing exception generate repaintmanager share..
Java client certificates over HTTPS/SSL in there Anyway adding the root certificate to this store solved the infamous
Sudoku Backtracking Non valid Sudoku boolean solved solve 0 0 if solved System.out.println Solved print else System.out.println Insoluble print public void..
Transfer raw binary with apache commons-net FTPClient? raw binary with apache commons net FTPClient UPDATE Solved I was calling FTPClient.setFileType before I logged in causing..
Java method dispatch with null argument don't see why this should make a difference... Update 2 Solved. I had another method foo Runnable in my class so the dispatcher..
Reading InputStream as UTF-8 java utf 8 inputstream share improve this question Solved my own problem. This line BufferedReader in new BufferedReader..
Google Gson - deserialize list<class> object? (generic type) as in the user guide suggested. Didn't help though. Edit3 Solved see my answer below. java json generics gson share improve..
Maven 3 Artifact problem errors where in my project already before doing anything. Solved most of them but there is 1 the still give me some problems...
Producing executable jar in NetBeans
JAXB :Need Namespace Prefix to all the elements java xml jaxb spring ws share improve this question Solved by adding @XmlSchema namespace http a elementFormDefault..
Spring @Transaction not starting transactions 489 at 619 Update Solved I got the issue fixed. Before giving the answer as how it was..
Service does not restart after “Clear Memory” + appWidget crashes this question After a lot of research and some attempts Solved it Just added BroadcastReciever listening to package changes..
Bad class file magic when using dx.bat
Designing a splash screen (java) while the rest of the application is written using java Solved I finally managed it to work. My mistake was I was updating..
Clearing and setting the default home application (SOLVED) and setting the default home application SOLVED How in the world does Nova manage this Im literally trying..
Apache POI autoSizeColumn Resizes Incorrectly font issue came up I'm running the program on Windows 7. SOLVED It was a font issue. The only font that I found that worked..
Proguard and reflection in Android obfuscation proguard share improve this question SOLVED For others that are having this problem you need to add the..
Android post picture to Facebook wall several times underneath each other. What am I doing wrong SOLVED. This is what I did to make it work facebook.authorize this..
Hibernate: “Field 'id' doesn't have a default value” strategy GenerationType.XXX doesn't solve it SOLVED recreating the database solved the problem java hibernate jpa..
Sudoku solver in Java, using backtracking and recursion conflict if not continue with next i place i in c if f SOLVED then return SOLVED return NOTSOLVABLE This pseudo code picks.. continue with next i place i in c if f SOLVED then return SOLVED return NOTSOLVABLE This pseudo code picks some empty cell and.. Then f will find the rest of the solution and return SOLVED. we picked a wrong number f will signal that the sudoku is not..
Simple Java TCP Server and PHP Client Problems java php client server share improve this question SOLVED Here is the solution I figured out what the problem was. When..