java Programming Glossary: socket.close
socket programming multiple client to one server Just handle next request. finally if socket null try socket.close catch IOException ignored and an embedded applet with part.. brinp.readLine if line null line.equalsIgnoreCase QUIT socket.close return else out.writeBytes line n r out.flush catch IOException..
Java TCP socket: data transfer is slow read socketOutputStream.close fileInputStream.close socket.close long endTime System.currentTimeMillis System.out.println readTotal..
Java socket swingWorker running but no message received or transmitted finally try reader.close catch Exception e try socket.close catch Exception e public static class OuputHandler implements.. finally try writer.close catch Exception e try socket.close catch Exception e Server public class Server public static.. finally try reader.close catch Exception e try socket.close catch Exception e public static class OuputHandler implements..
Listening for TCP and UDP requests on the same port socket.send reply catch IOException e e.printStackTrace socket.close I receive Exception in thread UDPThread java.nio.channels.IllegalBlockingModeException..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability hostnameOrIP 80 reachable true finally if socket null try socket.close catch IOException e There's also the InetAddress#isReachable..
How can a socket be both connected and closed? if socket.isConnected socket.isClosed socket.isBound try socket.close catch IOException e1 Wait on a new connection socket connectSocket..
Does closing the inputstream of a socket also close the socket connection? is socket connection still available r n close socket socket.close In the above code after I close the InputStream fromSocket it..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android ioe finally try input.close output.close socket.close catch IOException ioe finally Update Making some good..
Testing Java Sockets OutputStream out socket.getOutputStream out.write payload socket.close sent true catch UnknownHostException e catch IOException e.. OutputStream out socket.getOutputStream out.write payload socket.close sent true catch UnknownHostException e TODO catch IOException..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? Log.e TCP S Error e connectionAvailable false finally socket.close announceNetworkAvailability connectionAvailable catch Exception..
how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved) 1935 delay portAvailable socket.isConnected socket.close System.out.println init giving portAvailable catch Exception..
Java sending and receiving file (byte[]) over sockets bytes System.out.println bytes out.close in.close socket.close java file sockets client share improve this question Thanks.. 0 bos.write bytes 0 count bos.flush bos.close is.close socket.close serverSocket.close and the Client public class Client @param..