java Programming Glossary: socketchannel
How to send and receive serialized object in socket channel the data. All these things I want to do using Java SocketChannel . How to do this I have tried like below but did not get any.. obj SelectionKey selectionKey ObjectOutputStream oos try SocketChannel channel SocketChannel oos new ObjectOutputStream.. ObjectOutputStream oos try SocketChannel channel SocketChannel oos new ObjectOutputStream Channels.newOutputStream..
Why is it impossible, without attempting I/O, to detect that TCP socket was gracefully closed by peer? of whether one uses the pre NIO Socket or the NIO SocketChannel . When a peer gracefully closes a TCP connection the TCP stacks.. state CLOSE_WAIT . Why isn't there a method in Socket or SocketChannel that can query the TCP stack to see whether the underlying TCP..
inter jvm communication when a complete message has been written. Using Java NIO's SocketChannel might be better for small messages since the receiver can be..