java Programming Glossary: someexception
How do you implement a re-try-catch? true try Some Code break out of loop on success catch SomeException e handle exception if count maxTries throw e I have taken count..
How to handle a static final field initializer that throws checked exception String name try return new ObjectName name catch final SomeException exc throw new Error exc Or public static final ObjectName OBJECT_NAME..
throw checked Exceptions from mocks with Mockito called. I'm trying the following. @Test expectedExceptions SomeException.class public void throwCheckedException List String list mock.. String list mock List.class when list.get 0 .thenThrow new SomeException String test list.get 0 public class SomeException extends Exception.. new SomeException String test list.get 0 public class SomeException extends Exception However that produces the following error...
What are the differences between PHP and Java? anything to do with it. public int fooBarBax int v1 throws SomeException AnotherException ... This can get tricky if you're using objects..
Why doesn't Java allow generic subclasses of Throwable? is a problem in the following case try doSomeStuff catch SomeException Integer e ignore that catch SomeException String e crashAndBurn.. catch SomeException Integer e ignore that catch SomeException String e crashAndBurn Both SomeException Integer and SomeException.. ignore that catch SomeException String e crashAndBurn Both SomeException Integer and SomeException String are erased to the same type..
In Java, what purpose do the keywords `final`, `finally` and `finalize` fulfil? to execute code always lock.lock try do stuff catch SomeException se handle se finally lock.unlock always executed even if Exception..