java Programming Glossary: socket
How to implement a single instance Java application? by having the first instance attempt to open a listening socket on the localhost interface. If it's able to open the socket.. on the localhost interface. If it's able to open the socket it is assumed that this is the first instance of the application..
Official reasons for “Software caused connection abort: socket write error” reasons for &ldquo Software caused connection abort socket write error&rdquo Given this stack trace snippet Caused by.. Software caused connection abort socket write error at Native.. abort socket write error at Native Method I tried to answer the following questions..
Secure HTTP Post in Android to use a different port EDIT I indeed registered the wrong socket factory for https communication. Here is the updated method.. that I use to create my HttpClient object with the correct socket factory just in case someone searches this kind of problem in..
StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: AC I'm just creating the input and output objects for the socket in the run method. The object declaration is outside the run.. wasteful. Use a single OOS and OIS for the life of the socket and don't use any other streams on the socket. If you want to.. life of the socket and don't use any other streams on the socket. If you want to forget what you've written use ObjectOutputStream.reset..
Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS tm null @Override public Socket createSocket Socket socket String host int port boolean autoClose throws IOException UnknownHostException.. return sslContext.getSocketFactory .createSocket socket host port autoClose @Override public Socket createSocket throws..
Socket using in a swing applet in Java based on Swing and gui.I neeed to make somehow a socket that will go from the server to the client and from the client.. things according to the string that would be in the socket. For some reason I couldn't find a simple example for code that.. example or can explain how is it being done java swing sockets web applications share improve this question Based on this..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java Socket is not connected and the socket timeout The operation timed.. httpParameters timeoutConnection Set the default socket timeout SO_TIMEOUT in milliseconds which is the timeout for..
Is it possible to read from a InputStream with a timeout? this question Assuming your stream is not backed by a socket so you can't use Socket.setSoTimeout I think the standard way.. support in Eclipse IDE Project your project name Connection Type Standard Socket Attach Host localhost Port 8787 3. Debugging So all you have..
Java: How to detect a remote side socket close? to detect a remote side socket close How do you detect if Socket#close has been called on a socket on the remote side java networking.. String args throws IOException InterruptedException ServerSocket ss ServerSocketFactory.getDefault .createServerSocket PORT Socket.. IOException InterruptedException ServerSocket ss ServerSocketFactory.getDefault .createServerSocket PORT Socket s ss.accept..
Why is it impossible, without attempting I/O, to detect that TCP socket was gracefully closed by peer? to be the case regardless of whether one uses the pre NIO Socket or the NIO SocketChannel . When a peer gracefully closes a TCP.. of whether one uses the pre NIO Socket or the NIO SocketChannel . When a peer gracefully closes a TCP connection the.. ends up in state CLOSE_WAIT . Why isn't there a method in Socket or SocketChannel that can query the TCP stack to see whether..
Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS KeyStore.getInstance BKS trusted.load null .toCharArray SSLSocketFactory sslf new SSLSocketFactory trusted sslf.setHostnameVerifier.. null .toCharArray SSLSocketFactory sslf new SSLSocketFactory trusted sslf.setHostnameVerifier SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.. new SSLSocketFactory trusted sslf.setHostnameVerifier SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry..
Socket using in a swing applet using in a swing applet I should made a server client in Java.. s display s tf.setText @Override public void run try Socket socket if kind Kind.Client socket new Socket HOST PORT else.. void run try Socket socket if kind Kind.Client socket new Socket HOST PORT else ServerSocket ss new ServerSocket PORT socket..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability want You can do so. Another feasible way is using . Socket socket null boolean reachable false try socket new.. can do so. Another feasible way is using . Socket socket null boolean reachable false try socket new Socket hostnameOrIP.. Socket socket null boolean reachable false try socket new Socket hostnameOrIP 80 reachable true finally if socket null try socket.close..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? Thread.sleep 1000 continue Log.d TCP C Connecting... Socket socket new Socket socket.setTcpNoDelay true socket.connect.. continue Log.d TCP C Connecting... Socket socket new Socket socket.setTcpNoDelay true socket.connect new InetSocketAddress.. Socket socket.setTcpNoDelay true socket.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber 3000 socket.connect new InetSocketAddress..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java timeouts are set. The connection timeout throws Socket is not connected and the socket timeout.. connection timeout throws Socket is not connected and the socket timeout Socket is not connected and the socket timeout The operation timed out . HttpGet httpGet new..
How to get Ip address of our own system using java ports on the same system. Now all the nodes create a Socket with a target IP as the IP of a special node known as a bootstrapping.. bootstrapping node. The nodes then create their own ServerSocket and start listening for connections. The bootstrapping node.. cli.getInetAddress once the client connects to the ServerSocket of bootstrapping node. But that didn't work. I need the client..
Https Connection Android schemeRegistry.register new Scheme http PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory 80 schemeRegistry.register new Scheme.. new Scheme http PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory 80 schemeRegistry.register new Scheme https new CustomSSLSocketFactory.. 80 schemeRegistry.register new Scheme https new CustomSSLSocketFactory 443 ThreadSafeClientConnManager cm new ThreadSafeClientConnManager..