java Programming Glossary: somemethod
Grabbing a segment of an array in Java code doSomethingWithTwoBytes byte twoByteArray void someMethod byte bigArray byte x bigArray 4 bigArray 5 doSomethingWithTwoBytes..
Add Strings through use of generic 'extends' causes compiler error Animal Now you have List extends Animal public void someMethod List extends Animal list list.add new dog no valid and you invoke..
Is Java guaranteed to inline string constants if they can be determined at compile time static final String TWO DEF public Class2 public void someMethod System.out.println Class1.ONE Class1.TWO Typically you would..
How to reference a generic return type with multiple bounds of that class SomeGenericClass V extends Foo Bar void someMethod V bothFooAndBar FooBar. V getFooBar T is V Technically that..
How to split a string, but also keep the delimiters? public final String WITH_DELIMITER 1 s 1 s ... public void someMethod ... final String aEach a b c d . split String.format WITH_DELIMITER..
What is the reason behind “non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context”? it. The very core reason private java.util.List String someMethod Some Code return someList public static void main String strArgs.. the error. You know why.. java.util.List String someList someMethod java static context share improve this question You can't..
How to call a method after a delay worker Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor void someMethod Runnable task new Runnable public void run Do something worker.schedule..
How to disable a particular checkstyle rule for a particular line of code? of comments in your code. E.g. CHECKSTYLE OFF public void someMethod String arg1 String arg2 String arg3 String arg4 CHECKSTYLE ON..
What is a good use case for static import of methods? import static some.package.DA. class BusinessObject void someMethod .... save this The reviewer was not keen that I change the..
How to use Class<T> in Java? things like Class extends Collection someCollectionClass someMethod and then you can be sure that the Class object you receive extends..
Is usage of anonymous classes in Java considered bad style or good? anonymous inner class might be more readable public void someMethod new Thread new Runnable public void run do stuff .start In.. Using an inner class would delocalize the code public void someMethod new Thread new MyRunnable .start ... several methods down .....
Simple Java name based locks? a database connection. I have many situations like someMethod do stuff to user A for their data for feature X It doesn't make.. to wait. With the MySql lock I could do something like someMethod executeQuery SELECT GET_LOCK 'userA featureX' only locked for..
Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation enter the file path. 5. Why do people do this public void someMethod throws Exception Why do they let the exception bubble up Isn't..
calling java methods in javascript code [closed] extends Applet public void noArgMethod ... public void someMethod String arg ... public void someMethod int arg ... public int.. ... public void someMethod String arg ... public void someMethod int arg ... public int methodReturningInt return 5 public String.. ... applet script language javascript app.noArgMethod app.someMethod Hello app.someMethod 5 var five app.methodReturningInt var hello..