java Programming Glossary: somehow
Why does this() and super() have to be the first statement in a constructor? inherits from Object objects constructor must be called somehow and it must be executed first. The automatic insertion of super..
Netty vs Apache MINA less code. The Netty Pipeline worked better for us. It is somehow simpler than MINAs where everything is a handler and it is up..
Why is my Spring @Autowired field null? and it has no way of knowing about Java objects unless you somehow inform it of them. When you call new the JVM instantiates a..
How do I programmatically compile and instantiate a Java class? leaving obvious exception handling aside Prepare source somehow. String source package test public class Test static System.out.println..
Socket using in a swing applet client in Java based on Swing and gui.I neeed to make somehow a socket that will go from the server to the client and from..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java password row.getString 'password' So I guess I had was somehow able to turn the returned Json into and iterable array. Any..
JSF2, can I add JSF components dynamically? dynamically I know this should be possible in JavaScript somehow. Do anybody know how to do this in JSF I think the major problem..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability this any good at all will it do what I want Do I have to somehow close the connection I suppose this is a GET request. Is there.. due to a Firewall blocking other ports. Do I have to somehow close the connection No you don't explicitly need. It's handled..
Who sets response content-type in Spring MVC (@ResponseBody) Accept Charset windows 1250 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.7 I'm using somehow default configuration of spring I have found a hint to add this..
How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex? second and the last test cases There aren't enough b s and somehow it counted wrong We'll examine why this happened in the next..
Browser can't access/find relative resources like CSS, images and links when calling a Servlet which forwards to a JSP by URL not the webserver who has to include them from disk somehow. Apart from changing the relative URLs to make them relative..
Simple calculator in JSP 1 print the answer to a third textbox is this possible or somehow loading the same page with the add button and all with the answer..
Best way to represent a fraction in Java? use it if you want it. I've been dying to show this off somehow. Edit I've made some changes to the code posted here. For the..
How to convert string to int in Java? Actually I have it first as a StringBuffer if that helps somehow. For example given the string 1234 the result should be the..
Android download binary file problems If I download it directly it works fine but through my app somehow it get's messed up even though they look exactly the same in..
How to create custom methods for use in spring security expression language annotations method like 'customMethodReturningBoolean' to be used somehow like this @PreAuthorize customMethodReturningBoolean public..
Update JLabel every X seconds from ArrayList<List> - Java update the words with spring Iterate through my list and somehow use setText I am not having any luck. I am using this method..
How to get Ip address of our own system using java iterate over each NI's addresses. Another approach is to somehow get the externally advertized FQDN for the host and use InetAddress.getByName..
Https Connection Android perfectly fine. Do I have to accept the server certificate somehow java android ssl share improve this question I'm making..
When “” == s is false but “”.equals( s ) is true thought like in String a String b a assert b this is true Somehow after reading the code more I have a clue two different empty..
How to read UTF 8 encoded file in java with turkish characters reads this file and send the output back as a string. Somehow I am not able to read the characters properly. The code is very..
Why does Java prohibit static fields in inner classes? is to operate in the context of the enclosing instance. Somehow allowing static variables and methods contradicts this motivation..
How to get a Token from a Lucene TokenStream? lucene analysis TokenStream.html#incrementToken 28 29 Somehow an AttributeSource is supposed to be used rather than Token..
Handler to add HTTP headers to HTTP request not invoked when using Axis Client API correct output in subsequent calls to the service object. Somehow the handler is not being invoked. Here is the Handler class...
“Uncompilable source code” RuntimeException in netbeans stored in USER .netbeans var cache index s java classes Somehow not sure how this directory can get corrupted or fail to update...
How to return multiple objects from a Java method? names which I can do in the same loop in this method . Somehow returning a HashMap does not look a very elegant way of doing..
When does a JPanel paint (or repaint) its child components? corners to make the apperance as smooth as possible. Somehow the antialiased edges of the button disappears each time i drag..
How to insert a row between two rows in an existing excel with HSSF (Apache POI) two rows in an existing excel with HSSF Apache POI Somehow I manage to create new rows between two rows in an existing..
Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation e Kindly prompt the user an error message Somehow ask the user to re enter the file path. 5. Why do people do..
Most effecient conversion of ResultSet to JSON? be any faster. As to memory this is pretty slim as is. Somehow I doubt this code is actually a critical bottle neck for memory..
Sign CSR using Bouncy Castle and then generating the cert but not how to sign a CSR. Somehow quite by chance here's what I found. Since PKCS10 represents..
How can I dynamically add images to a GridView? ImageIds to the class that will return the ImageViews Somehow I have to change this array and let the adapter know about it..