java Programming Glossary: solr
Apache solr configuration with tomcat 6.0 solr configuration with tomcat 6.0 Can you help me configuring Apache.. Tomcat to run Apache Solr in Tomcat. java apache solr share improve this question Here is the step by step procedure.. zip file. Step 2 Copy from your SOLR_HOME_DIR dist apache solr 1.3.0.war to your tomcat webapps directory CATALINA_HOME webapps..
How to determine field-type for SOLR indexing? part is a random number chosen Thanks java php sql mysql solr share improve this question 1. Schema Your Solr schema is.. . They behave differently. fieldtype name string class solr.StrField sortMissingLast true omitNorms true The string field.. like in a SQL statement. fieldtype name text_ws class solr.TextField positionIncrementGap 100 analyzer tokenizer class..
How to get facet ranges in solr results? to get facet ranges in solr results Assume that I have a field called price for the documents.. based on the values in the documents java lucene solr share improve this question To answer your first question.. query support. Here 's an example http localhost 8983 solr select q video rows 0 facet true facet.query price TO 500 facet.query..
Using Solr search index as a database - is this “wrong”? not multiple stored fields. java mysql database solr share improve this question It's perfectly reasonable to..
Solr query is hanging server hanging server I have developed a enterprise search using solr I have developed a patternMatching class to match the query.. urlEntity throws UnsupportedEncodingException String solrr queryInp String solrQuery if queryInp null if loaded synchronized.. UnsupportedEncodingException String solrr queryInp String solrQuery if queryInp null if loaded synchronized syncLock if loaded..
How to do query auto-completion/suggestions in Lucene? of the examples I've seen seem to be setting up filters in Solr. We don't use Solr and aren't planning to move to using Solr.. seen seem to be setting up filters in Solr. We don't use Solr and aren't planning to move to using Solr in the near future.. We don't use Solr and aren't planning to move to using Solr in the near future and Solr is obviously just wrapping around..
How to get facet ranges in solr results? that I have a field called price for the documents in Solr and I have that field faceted. I want to get the facets as ranges.. best implemented on your application rather that letting Solr guess the best facet ranges. Here are some discussions on the..
Using Solr search index as a database - is this “wrong”? Solr search index as a database is this &ldquo wrong&rdquo My team.. My team is working with a third party CMS that uses Solr as a search index. I've noticed that it seems like the authors.. I've noticed that it seems like the authors are using Solr as a database of sorts in that each document returned contains..
How serious is the Java7 “Solr/Lucene” bug? serious is the Java7 &ldquo Solr Lucene&rdquo bug Apparently Java7 has some nasty bug regarding.. hard to judge how significant this bug is unless you use Solr or Lucene . What I'd like to know How likely is it that my any..
Solr query is hanging server query is hanging server I have developed a enterprise search..