

java Programming Glossary: someaction

When “” == s is false but “”.equals( s ) is true


It turns out that at some point somebody did public void someAction String string if string return deleteBankAccount string and.. string if string return deleteBankAccount string and use someAction myBuilder.toString bug introduced. p.s. Have I read too much..

hide passed parameter from jsp to struts2 action class


parameter from jsp to struts2 action class s url action someAction var act s param name param1 value1 s param s url s a href act.. Go Action link the address will be www.example.com someAction param1 value1 I want to hide passed parameters param1 value1.. form event. Do it like in this example s form id f1 action someAction s hidden name param1 value value1 s url action someAction var..

Java Swing add/remove jButtons on runtime


String name JButton b new JButton name b.addActionListener someAction yourPanel.add b dynamicButtons.put name b yourPanel.invalidate..

Passing parameters from JSP to Controller in Spring MVC


like @RequestMapping somepage public String someAction @ModelAttribute somedata SomeData data Map String Object map..

How can a KeyListener detect key combinations (e.g., ALT + 1 + 1)


actionMapKey component.getActionMap .put actionMapKey someAction See the javadoc for KeyStroke for the different codes you can..