java Programming Glossary: shape
Dynamic Graphics Object Painting In Java up with I want to be able to pass the coordinates of the shape I want to add for the node and then add it to whatever I have..
Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface having buttons correctly wrapped around Right now they are shaped in 1 row 4 column Shot Gun mover up down left right middle.. and add all the JButtons According to that image shape Layout the panel. SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid masterPanel..
What is SuppressWarnings (“unchecked”) in Java? sometimes even if it is possible it bends the code out of shape so much that suppressing the warning is neater. Always add an..
Can't transparent and undecorated JFrame in JDK7 when enabling nimbus count 0 break case 3 iris out if count r Shape shape new Ellipse2D.Double x count y count 2 r count 2 r count window2.setShape.. x count y count 2 r count 2 r count window2.setShape shape else phase 99 go to final exit phase break case 99 System.exit..
Swing: link toggle buttons together with a button group, along with corresponding menu items I need toolbar buttons and menu items for each type of shape. I would like to go a little above and beyond by making the.. buttons and each pair would call the same code to set the shape type. I could also make two ButtonGroup s one for the menu one.. menu one for the toolbar but then I also have to duplicate shape type setting code. In either situation I also run the risk of..
Does use of final keyword in Java improve the performance? measurements before bending the clearest code out of shape that way you can decide whether any extra performance achieved..
Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis a shape vertically around the x axis I have a 2d graph with an x and.. a 2d graph with an x and y axis and im trying to rotate a shape series of points around an axis. This rotation will need to..
Creating a custom button in Java with JButton JButton I am trying to create a button that has a custom shape hexagon but otherwise acts like a normal JButton would that..
Cut out image in shape of text out image in shape of text I need to cut out an image in the shape of the text.. image in shape of text I need to cut out an image in the shape of the text in another image. I think it's best shown in images...
Changing the shapes of points in scatter plot the shapes of points in scatter plot I have thousands of points to Plot.. I am using ShapeUtilities but its not changing the shape of point to DaigonalCross when I am Using for XYItemRenderer.. . You can override getItemShape to supply your own shapes. Addendum One advantage to this approach is that you can specify..
Smoothing a jagged path the slanted sides of the triangle. I'd like to gain a shape that has that jaggedness removed or reduced. In ASCII art. Case.. corner 2 5 inner corner 4 5 Assuming our path had the shapes shown and the points as listed I'd like to drop the 'inner..
Drawing rectangle on a JPanel hi g2.setClip r System.out.println g2.getClipBounds if shape.selectedcolor red g2.setColor else if shape.selectedcolor.. if shape.selectedcolor red g2.setColor else if shape.selectedcolor blue g2.setColor Color.BLUE else if shape.selectedcolor.. shape.selectedcolor blue g2.setColor Color.BLUE else if shape.selectedcolor yellow g2.setColor Color.yellow g2.setColor..
How to make line animation smoother? as possible. I use only .Double inner classes of each Shape object and I set antialiasing in the Graphics2D objects on... if I also use draw method to draw lines around the same Shape the animation of these lines is choppy pixel by pixel. Each.. RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON Shape s new Rectangle.Double x y 100 100 g.setColor color Graphics2D..
Collision detection with complex shapes This could be achieved by drawing and dealing with Shape and Area instances. E.G. Yellow is a little animated 'player'... java.awt.image.BufferedImage import javax.swing. class ShapeCollision private BufferedImage img private Area obstacles new.. if collide2.equals area2 collide true return collide ShapeCollision int w 400 int h 200 img new BufferedImage w h BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB..
Can't transparent and undecorated JFrame in JDK7 when enabling nimbus import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Font import java.awt.Shape import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import java.awt.event.ActionListener.. next phase count 0 break case 3 iris out if count r Shape shape new Ellipse2D.Double x count y count 2 r count 2 r count.. x count y count 2 r count 2 r count window2.setShape shape else phase 99 go to final exit phase break case 99..
Use of Java [Interfaces / Abstract classes] to implement. So you might have an abstract class called Shape that has some common code and in your derived classes Circle.. to all shapes so you could put a getColor method in your Shape abstract class. And you can combine the two ideas. You can have..
How to rotate an image gradually in Swing? import java.awt.RenderingHints import java.awt.Shape import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import java.awt.event.ActionListener.. private data members private GeneralPath path private Shape horizontalRail private Shape verticalRail private static int.. GeneralPath path private Shape horizontalRail private Shape verticalRail private static int LENGTH 350 private CrossingPanelSSCE..
CubicCurve2D connecting two JInternalFrame instances drawLine int x1 int y1 int x2 int y2 but invoking draw Shape s on your curve is a straightforward extension. You may have..
Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis can transform the graphics context g2d or the polygonal Shape itself p3 the example shows both. Resize the window to see the.. p3y 5 g2d.setPaint g2d.fill at.createTransformedShape p3 public void start timer.start public static void main String..
Changing the shapes of points in scatter plot with squares but I need some help on how to change the Shape of points from squares to dots circles . Any help would be appreciated... dots circles . Any help would be appreciated. I am using ShapeUtilities but its not changing the shape of point to DaigonalCross.. java.awt.Color import java.awt.Dimension import java.awt.Shape import java.util. import javax.swing.JPanel import org.jfree.chart...
Smoothing a jagged path I was participating in the thread Image Graphic into a Shape in Java the other day and made a hackish attempt to get the..
How can I put axis on a .png file in java? java.awt.EventQueue import java.awt.Paint import java.awt.Shape import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D import java.util.ArrayList import.. import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer import import static final Random random new Random private static final Shape circle new Ellipse2D.Double 3 3 6 6 private static final Color..