java Programming Glossary: shift
Is shifting bits faster than multiplying and dividing in Java? .NET? shifting bits faster than multiplying and dividing in Java .NET Shifting.. of code for some readers and some algorithms. Is bit shifting really necessary for performance or can I expect the compiler.. more than convert multiply or divide by a power of two to shift operations. When optimizing many compilers can optimize a multiply..
What does the ^ operator do in Java? to int if necessary . You can also use the traditional bit shifting trick to compute some powers of two. That is 1L k is two.. the k th power for k 0..63 . See also Wikipedia Arithmetic shift Merge note this answer was merged from another question where..
Difference between >>> and >> operators share improve this question is arithmetic shift right is logical shift right. In an arithmetic shift the sign.. this question is arithmetic shift right is logical shift right. In an arithmetic shift the sign bit is extended to preserved.. shift right is logical shift right. In an arithmetic shift the sign bit is extended to preserved the signedness of the..
Why does Java's hashCode() in String use 31 as a multiplier? would be lost as multiplication by 2 is equivalent to shifting. The advantage of using a prime is less clear but it is traditional... of 31 is that the multiplication can be replaced by a shift and a subtraction for better performance 31 i i 5 i . Modern..
Generating random numbers in a range with Java would return a value in the range 0 5 . Now you need to shift this range up to the range that you are targeting. You do this..
What Java ORM do you prefer, and why? [closed] I can fit lots of complex logic into large SQL queries and shift a lot of my processing into the database. So consider just using..
Best way to represent a fraction in Java? BigInteger.ONE use shortcut 2^x 1 x. if x is negative shift the denominator if exponent 0 tmpNumerator tmpNumerator.multiply.. 0 tmpNumerator tmpNumerator.multiply BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft exponent else tmpDenominator tmpDenominator.multiply BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft.. else tmpDenominator tmpDenominator.multiply BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft exponent 1.mantissa 1 mantissa 2^52 2^52 mantissa 2^52 tmpDenominator..
Difference between & and && operators share improve this question is arithmetic shift right is logical shift right. In an arithmetic shift the sign.. this question is arithmetic shift right is logical shift right. In an arithmetic shift the sign bit is extended to preserved.. shift right is logical shift right. In an arithmetic shift the sign bit is extended to preserved the signedness of the..
How would you code an efficient Circular Buffer in Java or C#
Why aren't Java Collections remove methods generic? Reference Menace Attack of the Clone and Revenge of The Shift Google TechTalk . Josh Bloch says 6 41 that they attempted to..
Eclipse Optimize Imports to Include Static Imports to write assertEquals expectedValue actualValue hit Ctrl Shift O and have Eclipse add import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals..
Right way to implement equals contract of it. In Eclipse rightclick code and peek the Source Alt Shift S menu option. See also JBoss Equals and HashCode in view of..
NetBeans Tips and Tricks [closed] as a shorcut for public static void main String args Ctrl Shift C Comments out the selected block of code. Alt Shift F Formats.. Ctrl Shift C Comments out the selected block of code. Alt Shift F Formats the selected block of code. Ctrl E Deletes current.. selected block of code. Ctrl E Deletes current line. Ctrl Shift I Fixes your imports handy if you've just written a piece of..
Character Encoding Detection Algorithm that fails determining the difference between EUC JP and Shift JIS is not as straightforward. It's more likely that a user.. It's more likely that a user would receive Shift JIS text but there were characters in EUC JP that didn't exist.. but there were characters in EUC JP that didn't exist in Shift JIS and vice versa so sometimes you could get a good match...
What is your favorite hot-key in Eclipse? [closed] are the ones I file under muscle memory. Editing Ctrl Shift O organise imports removes unused imports adds missing imports.. unused imports adds missing imports sorts imports Ctrl Shift I unindent selection Ctrl comment uncomment selected lines Alt.. selection Ctrl comment uncomment selected lines Alt Shift R rename selection Navigation Ctrl Shift T find as you type..
Intellij IDEA Java classes not auto compiling on save resolved this issue. In Intellij I have to hit CTRL SHIFT 9 to re compile the relevant class for jRebel to pick it up...
Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse? String getAddress int getAge Person p String name p. CTRL SHIFT SPACE and it shows you ONLY getName getAddress and toString.. Address getAddress int getAge Person p Country c p. CTRL SHIFT SPACE and it will silently autocomplete it to Country c p.getAddress..
GetAsyncKeyState and VirtualKeys/special characters using JNA (JAVA) ALL physical keys but have a tough time with virtual keys. SHIFT is detected. 2 is detected. However Shift 2 are detected both.. Shift 2 are detected both as separate keys Even though SHIFT 2 gives @ on my keyboard . IE The program outputs both SHIFT.. 2 gives @ on my keyboard . IE The program outputs both SHIFT and 2 but not what they produce @ . The problem is how will..
Any reason to clean up unused imports in Java, other than reducing clutter? In Eclipse you can always use a shortcut depends on OS SHIFT Ctrl O COMMAND SHIFT O on mac to organize the imports. Eclipse.. always use a shortcut depends on OS SHIFT Ctrl O COMMAND SHIFT O on mac to organize the imports. Eclipse then cleans up the..