java Programming Glossary: shadow
Can we ape the GTK+ 2.0 button style in Java Swing? button. Otherwise can we give the JButton text a style a shadow for example public class myTweakedButton extends JButton Override.. #contrast 1.0 border_shades 1.04 0.82 reliefstyle 5 shadow_shades 1.02 1.1 textstyle 1 glowstyle 5 glow_shade 1.1 #text_shade.. GTK LAF while GTK button text is styled with a discrete shadow. java swing jbutton look and feel gtk2 share improve this..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mv boolean shadow Projection projection mv.getProjection ArrayList GeoPoint geoPoints.. true canvas.drawPath p mPaint super.draw canvas mv shadow As you can see I make a list of points on a map and I want them..
JTable how to change BackGround Color h 50 private BufferedImage img null private BufferedImage shadow new BufferedImage 1 h BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB private JViewport.. JViewport.SIMPLE_SCROLL_MODE Graphics2D g2 shadow.createGraphics g2.setPaint new Color 250 150 150 g2.fillRect.. null 0 getColumnHeader .getHeight g2.drawImage shadow bounds.x bounds.y y h null g2.scale 1 1 g2.drawImage shadow..
how to listen for clicks in Java (JFreeChart) using events?
Passing current Date h 80 private BufferedImage img null private BufferedImage shadow new BufferedImage 1 h BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB private JViewport.. private void paintBackGround Color g Graphics2D g2 shadow.createGraphics g2.setPaint g g2.fillRect 0 0 1 h g2.setComposite.. null 0 getColumnHeader .getHeight g2.drawImage shadow bounds.x bounds.y y h null g2.scale 1 1 g2.drawImage shadow..