java Programming Glossary: settimestamp
Is java.sql.Timestamp timezone specific? Store into DB if tsSchedStartTime null stmt.setTimestamp 11 tsSchedStartTime else stmt.setNull 11 java.sql.Types.DATE.. question Although it is not explicitly specified for setTimestamp int parameterIndex Timestamp x drivers have to follow the rules.. x drivers have to follow the rules established by the setTimestamp int parameterIndex Timestamp x Calendar cal javadoc Sets the..
jaxb unmarshal timestamp yyyy MM dd HH mm ss .format timestamp null public void setTimestamp final Date timestamp this.timestamp timestamp public void setTimestamp.. final Date timestamp this.timestamp timestamp public void setTimestamp final String timestampAsString try this.timestamp new SimpleDateFormat.. Foo public Date getTimestamp return timestamp public void setTimestamp final Date timestamp this.timestamp timestamp share improve..
PreparedStatement and setTimestamp in oracle jdbc and setTimestamp in oracle jdbc I am using PreparedStatement with Timestamp.. utctimestamp from t where utctimestamp and utctimestamp s.setTimestamp 1 new Timestamp 1273017600000L 2010 05 05 00 00 GMT s.setTimestamp.. 1 new Timestamp 1273017600000L 2010 05 05 00 00 GMT s.setTimestamp 2 new Timestamp 1273104000000L 2010 05 06 00 00 GMT ResultSet..
JDBC Prepared Statement . setDate(…) doesn't save the time, just the date.. How can I save the time as well? Instead of Date you should use a Timestamp and the setTimestamp method. pratically you have to do something like that private..