java Programming Glossary: setundecorated
How can I do full screen in Java on OSX KeyListener public FullScreenFrame addKeyListener this setUndecorated true GraphicsDevice gd GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment.. .getDefaultScreenDevice if gd.isFullScreenSupported setUndecorated true gd.setFullScreenWindow this else System.err.println Full..
how to set JFrame background transparent but JPanel or JLabel Background opaque? JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f1.setSize dim f1.setUndecorated true f1.setOpacity 0.5f ShowImage panel new ShowImage panel.setBackground.. screen insets setLocation 0 0 setSize dim Set undecorated setUndecorated true Apply a transparent color to the background This is ALL..
How to make a transparant Jframe in Java but keep everything else the same? public class SplashDemo extends JFrame public SplashDemo setUndecorated true setSize 200 200 add new JLabel new ImageIcon puppy2.png..
Making a single component full screen public FullScreen this.setContentPane myPanel this.setUndecorated true Fullscreen return this.addKeyListener new KeyListener .. JFrame JFrame frame JFrame w frame.dispose frame.setUndecorated true frame.getGraphicsConfiguration .getDevice .setFullScreenWindow.. JFrame JFrame frame JFrame w frame.dispose frame.setUndecorated false frame.getGraphicsConfiguration .getDevice .setFullScreenWindow..
Java / Swing -> Creating a notification JFrame, and the error “The frame is displayable” initComponents this.setLayout new GridBagLayout this.setUndecorated true this.setSize 300 200 this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setDefaultCloseOperation.. add panel setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setUndecorated true pack setLocationRelativeTo null setOpacity 0.70f public..
How to add support for resizing when using an undecorated JFrame? titlebar minimize maximize and the close button. So I used setUndecorated true on my JFrame but I still want to be able to resize the.. item menuBar.add menu this.setJMenuBar menuBar this.setUndecorated true this.getRootPane .setBorder border this.setSize 400 340..
Is The Java Tutorials Translucent Window example giving trouble to those playing with jdk7? 0.55f . But as the error indicates if you invoke setUndecorated true on the frame then it won't throw the exception and will.. the underlying system The window must be undecorated see setUndecorated boolean and Dialog.setUndecorated boolean The window must not.. must be undecorated see setUndecorated boolean and Dialog.setUndecorated boolean The window must not be in full screen mode see GraphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow..
How to call setUndecorated() after a frame is made visible? to call setUndecorated after a frame is made visible In my Swing application I want.. the entire frame. However the API doesn't let me call setUndecorated after the frame is made visible. Even if i call setVisible false.. myUI .. and later ... JFrame newFrame new JFrame newFrame.setUndecorated newFrame.add myUI In Swing a panel and indeed any instance of..