

java Programming Glossary: shade

PopUp dialog Android from background thread


with notifications and can pull down the notification shade at their convenience to respond to your message. A guide to..

Can we ape the GTK+ 2.0 button style in Java Swing?


widget style button xthickness 3 ythickness 3 bg NORMAL shade 1.07 #cdcdcd bg PRELIGHT shade 1.09 #cdcdcd bg ACTIVE shade.. 3 ythickness 3 bg NORMAL shade 1.07 #cdcdcd bg PRELIGHT shade 1.09 #cdcdcd bg ACTIVE shade 1.0 #cdcdcd bg INSENSITIVE mix.. 1.07 #cdcdcd bg PRELIGHT shade 1.09 #cdcdcd bg ACTIVE shade 1.0 #cdcdcd bg INSENSITIVE mix 0.25 @bg_color #e2e1e1 fg INSENSITIVE..

How can I get the average colour of an image


black half white I would get something in between... some shade of gray. It could be the most frequent single colour or median...

Jersey exception only thrown when depencencies assembled into a single jar


I dropped the maven assemly plugin in favor of maven shade plugin. Here's the shade configuration that worked for me plugin.. assemly plugin in favor of maven shade plugin. Here's the shade configuration that worked for me plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins.. groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven shade plugin artifactId version 2.0 version executions execution..

Is it possible to create an “uber” jar containing the project classes and the project dependencies as jars with a custom manifest file?


maven jar plugin to create the manifest file and the maven shade plugin to create the uber jar but the dependencies are unpacked.. this question Actually I didn't check what the maven shade plugin is doing exactly or any other plugin as maven 2 has everything.. this descriptor is to unpack dependencies like the maven shade plugin . To be honest I don't get why this is a problem but..

Yet another “unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler” error


I was using the wrong plugin. So I switched to the maven shade plugin. It works perfectly as far as I can tell. I have an executable.. groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven shade plugin artifactId version 2.0 version executions execution phase.. executions execution phase package phase goals goal shade goal goals configuration transformers transformer implementation..

Trying to integrate Launch4j in a Maven project using Alakai plugin


use maven assembly plugin but I recommend you to use maven shade plugin. Don't need to specify launch4j installation this plugin.. this plugin works 100 maven. Sure. Follows the shade and launch4j configs I use that generates two exes one console.. groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven shade plugin artifactId version 1.4 version executions execution phase..

Trying to create JTable with proper row header


properly styled row and column headers and they both even shade the cells bluish on mouseover. Too bad it isn't made in Java..