java Programming Glossary: shelf
Experience migrating legacy Cobol/PL1 to Java you'll be able to replace components with off the shelf software we helped one very large insurance company that still..
Looking for a capturing impl of HttpServletResponseWrapper have to and I'd rather throw it away and use one off the shelf. java servlets share improve this question I am not aware..
How to convert map to url query string? improve this question The most robust one I saw off shelf is the URLEncodedUtils class from Apache Http Compoments HttpClient..
Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed] UPDATE It turns out that after many years of sitting on a shelf the Apache Commons folk have taken DBCP out of dormancy and..
Fast transcendent / trigonometric functions for Java at different precisions. Edit Getting my copy off the shelf it turned out to be a different book that just sounds very similar...
Is there a Java library that can “diff” two Objects? it would be even better if we could use something off the shelf. Here's an example of the kind of thing I'm looking for SomeClass..
Is there an off-the-shelf clock synchronization solution for Java? there an off the shelf clock synchronization solution for Java We have a large high.. processes may be on different machines is there an off the shelf solution that is also free or open source for clock synchronization..