java Programming Glossary: shallow
In Java, what is a shallow copy? Java what is a shallow copy java.util.Calendar.clone returns ...a new Calendar with.. ...a new Calendar with the same properties and returns a shallow copy of this Calendar . This does not appear to be a shallow.. copy of this Calendar . This does not appear to be a shallow copy as answered here on SO. That question is tagged language..
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance and refine question it's more about deep cloning than shallow cloning. Do it yourself code the clone by hand properties after.. or in cases you don't want to implement Serializable for shallow cloning clones only the first level properties commons beanutils..
Java: deep copy, shallow copy, clone [duplicate] deep copy shallow copy clone duplicate Possible Duplicate How do I copy an object.. I need clarification on the differences between deep copy shallow copy and clone in Java java copy clone deep share improve.. clone deep share improve this question Unfortunately shallow copy deep copy and clone are all rather ill defined terms. In..
Deep clone utility recomendation using clone This is what clone for HashMap says Returns a shallow copy of this HashMap instance the keys and valuesthemselves..
What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)? to use. It works very straight forwardly and has a very shallow learning curve. Assuming you're already familiar with XML you..
Array's length property array type T is T . A clone of a multidimensional array is shallow which is to say that it creates only a single new array. Subarrays..